I didn’t down vote and didn’t see your other comment. And my suggestion was to dry of the steak before searing and to have a hot pan. And said that otherwise it looked nice.
I didn’t down vote and didn’t see your other comment. And my suggestion was to dry of the steak before searing and to have a hot pan. And said that otherwise it looked nice.
I think it’s because it’s not properly seared. Probably due to not drying It off before putting it in the pan. And also probably too low heat in the pan. Otherwise it sounds nice
Yeah. Its about 50/50 for the ones who failed me. Gets too hot and burn out or the power supply fails. More prevalent in the compact formats like spots and g8 or g4.
They get dimmer over time. And they do it gradually so you don’t notice it until you buy a new one and realize how dim the old one was
I can imagine that there would be less reason for many to vote when there are only two options to vote for. What would it take for USA to implement a multi party system like many of the other democraties in the world?
Using a pihole. Is there any way to circumvent the “Ad blocker detected” Prompt that denies access to view site?
Same for me when i had ibd (still do but in remission). But after bettering my gut microbiome I could eat everything again.
Swede here. I recently moved to a new apartment. After 6 months I found out that my windows did this. Mind blown…
Been doing this as well. Not for weights reasons. But man do I feel the difference in focus and general well being. Also tried a 3 day water fast. A bit hard but also felt really good during the second day.
Had a UC flare, after that I adjusted my diet. About 50% of the time I do 18h of fasting. Tried an 3 day water fast, gonna do this maybe every 2 months. Mostly meat free meals, cooked from scratch. Trying to keep sugar and bread to the weekends. Eating fermented vegetables and kombucha with most meals. Additional vitamins when I remember.
“the dose makes the posion.”. Well said
You can always write down what gpt shows on the screen onto a paper
The offshore platform where piratebay existed a while ago would be a nice place for them to operate from.
Dave the diver and melatonin, a chill week indeed
I don’t want more pesticides in my food. But more importantly we wanna keep the bees and other insects alive. If they disappear, we disappear. Simple as that
Yes. But more interesting and relevant than a Pepsi ad
With my pihole I don’t see any ads. But would not mind paying a one time fee to remove them
Or just a reverse job fake post