So this is my first time hearing about it, and it sounds really interesting. How does it? work? Can you just walk into a store and pick some up? Or is it an add-on to your purchase? And is there a limit to how much you can choose?
So this is my first time hearing about it, and it sounds really interesting. How does it? work? Can you just walk into a store and pick some up? Or is it an add-on to your purchase? And is there a limit to how much you can choose?
Already I finished The Wicked + The Divine. It was such a good read. Couple of twists I didnt expect. The story is really captivating and well drawn. Still have a lot of questions, and cant wait to get some of them answered. Really recommend this one! Such a shame I only bought the first issue ;p
I will let you know! So far it sucked me in immediately
Thanks for the thoughtful response! They really help.
Piracy was actually what got me into reading and buying comics in the first place. I came across Saga which peaked my interest and I have been reading since. From there went to a local store and picked up Sandman.
I dont have a local shop too nearby, which makes it harder to go to stores and just browse or get advice. But I will try to make some time soon to go browsing :)
Cool thanks! I will check those out as well :)
Awesome, thanks! And you also welcome to the club!
So I am still new with comics, only started reading them 3 months ago. I am currentl making my way through X-men and Batman first year, but there are so many comics out there.
If I look at this list it is daunting how many there are released every single week. I have been googling some of your interests, and they look cool. How do you know from this long list what catches your interest?
I am 2 days ahead of you, and it is great. Really love this series so far! Enjoy :D
I worked for the company that did their loyalty program, and then it was told to me that many mexicans don’t trust the banks enough to go there, and prefer these “independent” shops as an alternative.
I recently started reading the whole series from the beginning, and I quite enjoy it, althoygh it is a bit slow. It is cool to see what the origins is for some of the most crucial villains in the series.
We were on vacation for a while, so mostly played smaller games such as splitter, qwixx, agropolis.
Since we got back we started with Aeons end future and past, where we had a really cool play to win the game. Everything just came together perfectly. We also received our kickstarter for Borderlands, and played 1 game of it. Really enjoy the gameplay, they managed to capture the BL soul really well :D
Wait this has been out for a while now, hasn’t it? In the Netherlands we already could purchase it for 2 years now. Or am I missing something?
I hate it when the “and this is where we end the session for tonight” part happens 10 minutes in… once had a high level party teleport to the complete opposite side of the map 10 minutes after starting… That is when I learned what high level really meant.
I am not fully familiar with the term quarterbacking, but I assume it is where somebody effectively plays the whole game and tells everybody what to do?
I think if you are aware of it, it is easier to stop quarterbacking. When I play it I try to give advise on hotspots for problems, but I wont plan somebody elses turn. But they decide. But the game can be prone to it. You could always play with your cards closed, then people have less information, which prevents 1 person from figuring it all out, but might complicate the game some extra as well
We have had some busy weeks last weeks, so the amount of games is liwer compared to normal. This weekend we finally had some time again ^^
We played 2 games of good ol’ pandemic, which we horribly lost. Mostly due to the lab expansion, which we hadnt played in a while and forgot the proper strategy for.
We also played a game of Theotihuacan, but it isnt my game. We have played it a couple of times now, but I am tense the whole way through, as there are so many actions and every single one counts so much. If anyone has some experiences with this game and can tell me your experiences I would love to hear. It is a game my fiance loves, and I would like to at least like it as well…
Dixit is also a good fit! It is a very easily explained game, where you have to say a word or short phrase describing a mystery card. The rest then places a card they think that matches the description as well, and then a voting round starts. It is really fun, and playing it would do more justice than this explanation :p
Yeah it is one of those games that I wouldnt play without the expansion anymore. We really like the legendary dungeons, which adds quite some difficulty and allows for multi classes, which can create some cool and strong combos.
Sprawlopolis is very light weight and offers a lot of replayability.
We have laminated (I believe that is the english word) clever, qwixx, knaster and knister so that we can bring 1 set of dice and play those all.
We really like regicide, which is just 1 pack of cards.
Lastly you have some (card)games with a small footprint, such as The Crew, or Cahoots, or Pickomino.
Some that I havent heard but love are Pandemic and Spirit island.
And as a hidden gem: Heroes of Tenefyre and sprawlopolis. Heroes is a deckbuilder dungeon crawler where the new cards in your deck are the monsters you slay. Sprawlopolis is a city builder the size of a small wallet, which you can easily take with you. There are 3 challenges out if 18 which decide how the game will play, which asks for different tactics every time.
It looks like this isnt really a thing in Europe. I found like 1 store per country that joins, which is a bummer. I would have liked to try some new comics I wouldnt have chosen otherwise.