hello world
What do think is the book’s message?
I’d tip out the pot and gently separate the saplings. Hopefully they’re not too entangled. Go ahead and replant in the ground with the same potting soil, taking care to make the holes deep enough for the tap roots. They’re long!
We have the Brother HL-L3230CDW and are happy with it. Works fine with inexpensive toner cartridges from Amazon.
What was your project?
There’s a groove on the insides of the walls that the plywood fits into.
Plain wood glue for the corners but the bottom is not glued in order to let the sides move with humidity changes.
Our toddler messing with this glass scale was the inspiration! I bet an off the shelf letter holder would work.
Router table but yeah a table saw would do it too.
Yep FB is the way to go for local sales. I’m in a large metro area and exclusively use it.
He still does Red Meat?? That was my favorite part of the reading the (paper issues of) Onion way back in the day.
What was it for you as a kid?
Canada, awful wild fires last summer.
Yep! They let the top expand and contract with the seasons.
Gotta spend about 10% of your “shop time” on organization and cleaning!
Thanks! We’re joking that it’ll wind up as a dorm room coffee table some day.
I haven’t done a shop post. I’m lucky to have a large, clean space for my hobby and posting about it would feel like bragging to me.
Pinky and ring finger for me too!
That just refers to the source code. How instances operate is a separate thing.
I made something similar as a personal serving plate / cutting board for our toddler. We often cut up his food, and it saves a dish to combine the two tasks.
Yep just some grooves from a V-shaped scraper.
Never. Bluetooth headphones and connectivity in the car.
What kind of finch is she?