No. Make more. Flood the market. Pay them reasonably good but fix their work-life balance by having more. Asking for more money is the unimaginative response that people do whenever something is wrong - doctors seem to have plenty of money, so it is probably something else that is wrong.
Perhaps make deals to train more, and send people to train, in less expensive foreign markets rather than depleting those markets of their much needed doctors by luring them to Canada. People should have the right to move to a different country but blatant brain drain tactics have always seemed morally dubious to me.
I think lead-brain is set to be replaced with covid-brain as the studies seem to be starting to emerge linking covid infections with cognitive impairments, with multiple infections having a cumulative effect. It is very early still, so hopefully studies prove this wrong, or I am wrong in my interpretation, or maybe the type of impairment will be different enough.