If the person working there doesn’t demand a living wages with all his co worker then should the customer ask it for them instead?
If the person working there doesn’t demand a living wages with all his co worker then should the customer ask it for them instead?
By your argument, every job should get a tip then, why pay the salaries?
US corporation should start paying their employees living wages instead of them asking their employees to beg for tips to get living standards wage.
I hope the password is kid friendly
7:20 part got to me
so mormon is like those spam messages saying to forward it for next 10 members or get cursed.
so mormon is like those spam messages saying to forward it for next 10 members or get cursed.
Also the “deleted images” years back from icloud
While giving 4k paid customer with 720p resolution because we don’t have “your” recommended devices. Good strategy.
Yea that and panic at the end !
I remember them saying climate change is a hoax and we should use more of their oil.
Hear me out guys, what if he is not a flat earther rather did the youtube channel to change flat earthers who joined him to change their concept. Man doing lords work.
Yea blood cancer
Does it have all the new research paper regarding medicine and pharmacological action and newer drug interactions and stuff?
Can’t we all researcher who is technically good at web servers start a opensource alternative to these paid services. I get that we need to publish to a renowned publisher, but we also decide together to publish to an alternative opensource option. This way the alternate opensource option also grows.
Please Make one for Android
No game no life
What if it’s big and moving? And burning my retina too ?
Umm one question by the way , why use Google phone to degoogle? There are plenty of good Android phones out there right?