I think this is just part of the republican playbook now. They all seem as scummy as humans can possibly be. tRump was right, it is swamp…filled with conservative scum
I think this is just part of the republican playbook now. They all seem as scummy as humans can possibly be. tRump was right, it is swamp…filled with conservative scum
Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! He’s such a pathetic cuck, fuck trump
Thoughts and prayers Ted. Thoughts and prayers lmao
Thoughts and prayers ghouliani lol
Oh shit, you’re not coping with this well are you? Suicide watch time for magatards?
trump really is draining the swamp, one former colleague at a time lmao. Only the best people in that clown administration
Only the best people for trump lmao
I wonder if he thinks his God is proud of his intolerance?
Lmao hes just an old dementia patient screeching at clouds to me now. Diaper don is cracking under the financial and legal pressure, and it’s glorious
It’s not really a surprise coming from the party of hate filled losers, incels and criminals. I expect no less and hope that voters remember come election time. It is long past due to send the Republicans back to under the rocks from which they came
I hate to say it but after viewing his supporters actions I really don’t care what happens to them anyone. How long should I be tolerant or concerned about awful people? I have no compassion left for shit humans
I’m becoming convinced that there is no projection the Republicans are not capable of. If they accuse anyone of anything you can be sure the gop has actually already done it
Lock him up, lock him up, lock him up
Definitely the actions of an innocent man. Lmao he’s such a loser, and sore one at that. Hopefully they bleed his criminal organization dry with the verdict
Trump is one of the most embarrassing humans to have ever disgraced this earth. I often wish I lacked any self awareness so I could blindly hack my way through life. But my daddy wasn’t rich so I was forced to be painfully aware of my actions to this very day
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Lol oh man that kraken keeps being released. So much winning
Sure is. Better for the kids even
I call them xcrements