You wouldn’t typecast a car.
You wouldn’t typecast a car.
New charge just dropped.
The Stanley Parable doesn’t really have a genre, and I don’t think you make another entry into that genre without being derivative. There’s a couple games I can think of that have themes of player agency, Bioshock and to a lesser extent Spec Ops: The Line. Just some ramblings.
A chihuahua is not a pinnacle of anything.
The best is when you pick them up and move their bodies around but their little heads stay in the same spot
7 years ago. It’s been a very welcome change here.
Ah it is. I misunderstood what I looked up.
I’m a web developer and I’ve never once used an IPv6 address for any circumstance. My ISP doesn’t use IPv6 either in my region (Starlink).
Shia LaBeouf is in the background making his own recording as well.
Now that I remember sometimes all my images are like that, but most of the time they work properly.
I love these memes. Works fine in Thunder
Hard to go wrong with a $5 $9 CAD Hot N Ready.
Hopefully some of my pee from the septic tank makes it over to my well then.
It would cost around $0.0025 to pump enough water for a shower. It’s not free but it’s a negligible cost.
My water comes from a hole in the backyard and it’s free.
But who uses that? I recall using a gnome plugin a few years ago that required an Open weather API key that you could use any location for.
Would Chromebooks not fit that description?
It’s happening!!
I’ve had to buy a few eggs since my chickens stopped laying for the winter but hopefully in a month or two I won’t have to buy.