I don’t say it because you are, in fact, not welcome. I finish interactions with customers, even when they say thank you to me, by saying “thank you, have a nice day”, as my non fireable version of “I’ll thank you to kindly fuck off now.”
I don’t say it because you are, in fact, not welcome. I finish interactions with customers, even when they say thank you to me, by saying “thank you, have a nice day”, as my non fireable version of “I’ll thank you to kindly fuck off now.”
Basically anything here: https://www.youtube.com/@leolego
Doing that as we speak. My job was shit, so I’m moving back to an old also-shit-but-slightly-less-shit job. I don’t start back at my old job for another week or two, and had originally planned to keep working the currently one until then. But I got fed up with bullshit and stopped going a few nights ago, and am now enjoying a two-week unpaid “vacation”.
But I do have gas, so there’s that.
Wait, do we actually get something for our old lifetime Pocketcasts licenses? Because I remember when they switched the app to being free, with any extra features being locked behind a subscription, existing licenses holders got… not anything, as far as I remember. I’ve been using the app daily for years now, and have no reason to give it up, but I don’t feel like having bought the license back in the day is getting me anything extra over what a new free-tier user is getting now. Am I missing something?
I literally only still have my FB account until I can sell all of the stuff I have listed on marketplace. Every other aspect of my FB account was deleted years ago. At first I kept the account because of the broken promise of never requiring a FB account for the Quest. They finally changed that(sort of, they require a meta account instead), but I still kept the account for marketplace. It’s the only place I’ve been able to successfully sell anything for at least 3 or 4 years. Once I sell off the last few items I have listed there(really need the money at the moment), I can finally delete my account fully.
Unsweetened cocoa powder in my chili. I’m not sure how common/uncommon that is, but everyone I’ve ever told looks at me like I’m crazy, right before asking for a 4th bowl. At least Alton doesn’t think I’m crazy.
Pretty much no games, at this point. I’ve been buying up every game(worth owning, to me) on Steam sales, humble bundle, and other means. The last year or two, I’ve just been buying the new games I want at full price on steam, or waiting for sales if I don’t want it that much. The only game I still refuse to buy is The Sims 4, for that one time every other year that I want to boot into a heavily modded Sims game to play Sims Orgy Simulator 6969™. But even the other dumb hentai waifu nonsense games, I just buy on Steam (half of which are my gf’s, but she refuses to buy them on her own damn account), even though they are easily obtained at the usual locations.
When I was 7, I got brought to the school library and told to pick a book to read over the summer. I picked The Hobbit. I got told no. I Insisted. Read that, then moved on lotr. I then read those I don’t know how many more times over the years. As far as I remember, those are the only books I ever bothered to read more than once. Not counting listening to the audio books at work, as well.
MusicBee, Stardock Fences, obligatory Adobe mention, all VR everything (unless something has changed recently, I haven’t looked in while).
More disturbing, is that I was scrolling past this post, and went back because I thought that was Bill Murray in the image and wanted to know what he did.
One can of no beans Hormel chili, one can of black beans, rinsed and (somewhat) dried. Mix in a big bowl, microwave until hot, add sour cream and shredded cheese, and use it like dip with tortilla chips. If you’re good at rinsing the beans, and your microwave doesn’t suck, you can have this ready in 5 minutes. And the only dirty dishes to deal with are a single large bowl, and a spoon.
Another thing I tend to eat a lot when I get home from work in the morning and don’t want to do anything, is literally just a bunch a wheat thins, a block of pre-sliced sarento cheddar cheese, and a container of sliced pepperoni from the deli. Takes like 2 minutes to grab those while I’m waiting for the bus home from work. Fuck ton of sodium, though. Same with the chili, I guess.
Along with the other suggestions here, Garuda also already does this out-of-the-box.
Better yet, they should come to us with the plan that’s going to make ANY of the Democrats or Republicans work with a 3rd party president to allow them to get anything done. Even if some insane miracle occurred, and a 3rd party candidate got elected president, they would accomplish absolutely nothing, as it is not in the political interest of either Democrats or Republicans to work with them. In spite of what Trump would like people to believe, presidents are not dictators and can’t just do whatever the hell they want. All of the people endlessly screaming about how there are more choices simply refuse to accept this fact.
Rogue planet colliding with Earth.
And yet, I’d have to have at least 3 of my 40-hour/week job just to afford the shittiest apartments that can be found in the shit-hole of a city that I have been trapped in my entire life. Yep, absolutely BOOMING. I’m certainly not forced to share a dump of a 700 square-foot with three other family members, at 40 years old, because studio apartments cost $2k/month and require you to gross at least 4.5x the rent to even be considered. Nope, not at all. Absolutely fucking booming, over here.
The Apothecary Diaries and Baldur’s Gate 3
Actually, I’m interested.
Because here in America, when they take my money, it’s to give away to oil companies and weapons dealers. Not to give us all health care and affordable housing.