You can escape the . in a URL to break the markdown auto-linking:
displays as:
You can escape the . in a URL to break the markdown auto-linking:
displays as:
…You just hit G-8.
Your welcome ;)
It’s actually a 4 week delay according to sidebar (unless that’s outdated info)
America died with a whimper!
Do you get royalties every time you say this or something? You’ve had an account for ~3 days and you’ve already used variations of that phrase at least 8 times. I’m not attacking the sentiment, it just feels forced and isn’t a particularly witty comment worthy of that much repetition.
There was a TED talk by Zeynep Tufekci in 2017 (“We’re building a dystopia just to make people click on ads”) – (YouTube*: that briefly talks about this:
(*I’m aware of the irony in linking there)
So in 2016, I attended rallies of then-candidate Donald Trump to study as a scholar the movement supporting him. I study social movements, so I was studying it, too. And then I wanted to write something about one of his rallies, so I watched it a few times on YouTube. YouTube started recommending to me and autoplaying to me white supremacist videos in increasing order of extremism. If I watched one, it served up one even more extreme and autoplayed that one, too. If you watch Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders content, YouTube recommends and autoplays conspiracy left, and it goes downhill from there.
Well, you might be thinking, this is politics, but it’s not. This isn’t about politics. This is just the algorithm figuring out human behavior. I once watched a video about vegetarianism on YouTube and YouTube recommended and autoplayed a video about being vegan. It’s like you’re never hardcore enough for YouTube.
So what’s going on? Now, YouTube’s algorithm is proprietary, but here’s what I think is going on. The algorithm has figured out that if you can entice people into thinking that you can show them something more hardcore, they’re more likely to stay on the site watching video after video going down that rabbit hole while Google serves them ads.
These days it might also be about politics, but the motivation to capture attention to serve ads is still the priority.
According to Reddit posts where I first saw this linked it’s from 2000. Here’s the artist’s page, didn’t see a date attached to it there unfortunately.
I was mostly referring to the quality being shitty and less-so the content of the edits themselves.
But also leaving the artist’s signature on an edited comic and not mentioning it’s modified feels shitty too. This isn’t a meme or political community so I’d think posting the original is more appropriate anyway.
Original by John Jonik without the shitty edits:
A 3 day old account that only posts clickbait links to 2 domains, and – I wonder if there’s any connection.
Parsed domain name:
Created date: June 13, 2024 18:02:23 UTC
Parsed domain name:
Created date: May 2, 2024 12:24:55 UTC
When go to you
happen does How a typo this like even? It’s like they noticed the word “you” was missing and then decided to add it haphazardly. If “go to” was omitted it also would have been coherent.
I had that cover art (without text) as my desktop wallpaper from ~2011 until ~September of last year. As far as I know, the photographer is Dominic Kamp. I like when classical music is “reimagined” so I’ll have to check out more stuff by this group. I haven’t listened to anything beyond her album Artemis but I think Lindsey Stirling does similar stuff with a violin.
In a Neal Brennan stand-up special (Piped link) he mentions he uses a Pavlok to shock him every 3 minutes on stage to remind him to smile.
Can they just insist it’s pronounced like jimp and sidestep the issue? Imgur, .gif, GNOME, GIPHY get to set their own rules on pronunciation.
That YouTube tracking parameter is probably the one I encounter the most and it’s frustrating that the Firefox “Copy Link Without Site Tracking” doesn’t strip it out. I’m assuming it’s intentionally allowed by Mozilla because of some agreement with Google.
A common mistake, the character name is actually Brett. Nice painting (as usual) btw :)