“Would you like to round up your purchase, we promise that we’ll give it to somebody who needs it.”
Large, well known companies that just advertise that they still exist. Like, yeah, I know McDonaldsBurgerTacoBellWendySonic’s exist. I pass them on every street corner. Show me an advertisement for something I don’t know exists.
Resetting/moving the products on the store’s shelves en masse, not because there’s holes from discontinued products but because “people will stop paying attention to the shelves if everything stays the same.” I’m old and in a hurry and I was here to give you my fucking money. Don’t make it hard for me to give you my fucking money.
Pricing to the 9’s.
Filling the shelves with a bunch of things that don’t seem to sell all that well, taking up space that could have been used to keep more of the fast moving products on the retail floor, just to have the appearance of diversity on the shelves.
Sounds a lot like a boomerang being swung around by a rope or is that just me?