I mean Trump in gen pop in a prison is a gang war waiting to happen.
Science and expert opinion should be respected, “your own research” is usually worthless, Black Lives Matter, Taiwan is a country, Love is Love, and Trans Rights are Human Rights.
No nazis or tankies, thanks.
I mean Trump in gen pop in a prison is a gang war waiting to happen.
The cool thing about it is that the core of it is really just one page.
There’s a page in there with a list of types of tests and their respective r values, which is a number between zero and one that explains how well a given type of test predicts job performance based on this gigantic meta analysis the researchers ran. Zero means there’s no relationship between the test and job performance and one means the test predicts job performance perfectly.
Generally you want something better than .3 for high stakes things like jobs. Education and experience sits at … .11 or so. It’s pretty bad. By contrast, skills tests do really well. Depending on the type they can go over .4. That’s a pretty big benefit if you’re hiring lots of people.
That said it can be very hard to convince people that “just having a conversation with someone” isn’t all that predictive at scale. Industry calls that an “unstructured interview” and they’re terrible vectors for unconscious or conscious bias. “Hey, you went to the same school as me…” and now that person is viewed favorably.
Seriously this stuff is WELL STUDIED but for some reason the MBA lizards never care. It’s maddening.
How do you write this article and not once reference I/O Psychology or the literature that examines how well various tests predict job performance? (e.g. Schmidt and Hunter, 1998)
I swear this isn’t witchcraft. You just analyze the job, determine the knowledge and skills that are important, required at entry, and can’t be obtained in a 15 minute orientation, and then hire based on those things. It takes a few hours worth of meetings. I’ve done it dozens of times.
But really what all that boils down to is get someone knowledgeable about the role and have them write any questions and design the exercises. Don’t let some dingleberry MBA ask people how to move Mt. Fuji or whatever dumb trendy thing they’re teaching in business school these days.
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Someone in that org needs to be an adult and say no to pointless rebrands and brain dead consolidation. Literally nobody, even Google, is benefiting from this spastic behavior.
So there’s definitely a Zionist wing of the party. What’s gonna happen when they come into contact with the Nazi wing of the party?
That’s a referral to a series of specialists and probably an MRI or two at minimum. Cancer is a deeply shitty way to die, go talk to your doctor ASAP.
In Cyberpunk 2077, Judy’s icon is a ghost popping out of a clamshell. There’s two jokes in there.
What a strange way to tell us that your sense of ideological purity is worth more than people’s actual lives.
I dunno, the insulated water cup I use is made of metal. A lot of them are.
Much better for a science district IMO. Look at all those mountains
Jesus lived in a region conquered by the Roman Empire. Many of his fans at the time wanted him to be a conquering ruler and overthrow them. His answer in the text amounted to, “that’s not why I’m here.” Nominal Christians trying to install a Christian Government have missed the point of their own text so hard it’s actually kinda funny.
Jesus: Share resources among those that need them, it’s very hard for rich people to enter heaven.
His Followers: Temporarily embarrassed billionaires who idolize wealth and build literal golden statues of their favorite rich guy.
Jesus: Hangs out with tax collectors (i.e., agents of the Romans, who were not popular), hookers, low status foreigners, and people with terminal diseases.
His Followers: Ew, drag queens and brown people. Gross.
Jesus: Encourages non-violent responses to his own capture pending execution. Tells many parables about forgiveness and treating foreigners as neighbors.
His Followers: Immigrants are invading us! They terk our jerbs! BOMB IRAN!
Anyone seeing a pattern here? The reality is that Christianity isn’t really a belief system for them, it’s a cultural identity or tribal marker. You don’t have to actually believe any of this shit or behave accordingly. All you have to do is say the right words and present the right image. Right wing Evangelical Christianity is a hollowed out husk; an empty aesthetic presenting as a belief system that promises that anything you do will be wiped away if you say the right words and give money to whatever charlatan is giving his Dollar General Ted Talk today.
It’s not a hot take so much as poorly reasoned one demonstrating an ignorance of psychology and questionable sense of ethics.
Well … then 1.5k for the good battery and other options and like … another 5k for shipping related expenses. That blew my mind how expensive it was to import.
And you get a truck 3 dudes can pull backwards with a top speed of like 36mph. It’s basically a very robust power wheels.
Oh, Biden ordered the invasion did he? Or should the rest of the world have just let Russia do whatever without a word?
Well no, of course they don’t. But this company’s options will be a) don’t do that in Euro autos or b) don’t do business in the EU. Which do you think they’ll pick?
Complexity and additional maintenance. Anytime someone introduces stuff like this they should think about reliability. More doodads = more shit that can break.
Unless you parallel park constantly and can’t make the existing methods of doing that work, I suspect this may not be worth it.
Oh it’s not, dead, it’s just changed shape so we don’t immediately recognize it. This, for example, is an ad for about 5 different games.
Notice how the brands were mentioned. Notice how much more palatable this is as a delivery system for that sweet brand awareness. They’re making statements we agree with! They’re demonstrating values that align with our own.
Now look it’s video games so I really don’t mind. This is certainly nicer than what we had in the 90s and 2000s (which were occasionally hilarious but I digress) , but I still want to raise awareness a bit. Larian isn’t the only company that rolls this way. Thing is, they’re probably not even lying, but an executive at a company does media like this for a reason.
This is them “speaking to you.”