“Bureau of motor vehicles”
“Bureau of motor vehicles”
You are equating hiring someone who makes and sells their own porn to hiring someone who subscribes to a hateful, violent ideology. They absolutely aren’t the fucking same. One is a legal adult legally providing a digital service to other legal adults, and the other is a member of a group known specifically for violence to advance racial superiority. Only one of those people does anything that could ever lead to another person being harmed or threatened, and as such only one of them should be driven out of society by any means necessary. This is not a “both sides” thing, this is discrimination against someone who has caused no harm, plain and simple.
Typically the offers are to relocate and remote work so that high earners can spend their money in low cost of living areas. The cruel irony is that they are desperate for workers and spending while at the same time the govt is cracking down on immigration, which is people looking to work and contribute to the economy.
As someone who rides an already heavy bike (it’s just old), and drives a hybrid, I just don’t personally see motorcycles ever really being a meaningful use-case for hybrid tech. Batteries are heavy and current electric bikes already don’t get fantastic range, so it just doesn’t make sense to add more weight to get less range. Stop-start application may have some use in a dual clutch transmission, or maybe on pulling the clutch in, but that’s only useful in traffic, where you really want consistency and reliability when you don’t have any buffer space, and most bikes get better fuel economy anyways…
Didn’t mean to rant a bit, I was a hybrid and EV diag tech for Chevy for a bit and I gave it some thought.
1984 Honda VF700S and a 1st, then 2nd gen Toyota Highlander hybrid.
All I picture when I think of Gaetz
They also tend to be wealthier, given that they were eligible for work or school abroad programs.
So can someone who understands quantum theory higher level than a simple idiot like myself confirm if this actually holds to real quantum physics, or is it just words?
I thought its purpose was to tell the body to not ovulate as it simulates hormonal pregnancy, which is why it can also have rough side effects after. The copper IUD prevents an ovum from implanting in the uterine wall. The MAP does not prevent one getting pregnant if the egg has already dropped.
Disclaimer, I’m a guy and writing this on my morning commute, so if I’m wrong, please chime in and correct me.
I have one of those, mine looks like a turtle
Probably a lot of them were bots
The conservative platform is all of those things, so it’s completely fair to call it that. The entire party is rotten to the core because they are simply ok with being the party of all of those things.
Mr. PiBB dropped out of college
Acquisitions ultimately work to stifle innovation, proven here and in nearly every other industry. It’s a damn shame
Is it time to cue up The Day After Tomorrow?
I thought I was going crazy
The Israeli flag
The truth is that the belief that the caricature was exaggerated is simply PR. They’re actually just as evil as people made them out to be, not less.
“Federal Bureau of Investigation”