I do not understand the popularity of Cornish game hens. Is it actually tasty to some folks or just good looking on a plate? I mean, don’t get me wrong, this posted pic looks delicious!
Every time I’ve had one, including roasting them myself more than once, they’ve had a weird texture and tasted very inferior to regular chicken.
Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure every other bird I’ve had has been superior in taste and texture to these mini chickens - normal chicken, crazy huge GMO chicken, turkey, duck, goose, quail, pheasant, ostrich, dove - does anyone really like them or is it just the aesthetics or maybe the idea that you’re eating a whole chicken?
It is OK not to be happy all the time.
It is also OK not to be the best, or even to be the worst!
It is OK to acknowledge your behavior or thoughts are bad and to really experience your negative behaviors and thoughts - you can regret or feel sadness about them without looking away to escapism.
Finally, even if you are the worst among your peers, at least you aren’t as bad or sad as characters of old fashioned tragedies and cautionary tales which are meant to give kids intuitive understanding of the three principles above.
Yes it does. I would venture there are alternative solutions but I can’t imagine what they are in any detail, just generally:
Maybe these trucks operate more like trains and have a designated lane where motorists do not have to encounter them?
I think it’s a great idea to require a human attendant for giant autonomous machinery.
If the company does not provide the attendant, then the public is just going to shoulder that burden.
I am NOT going to protect or respect unattended property like an autonomous truck if it runs off the road or rams my vehicle or is a risk to my own safety, for example.
I’m pretty sure I’d be offended just having to ride behind it on the freeway as it drives precisely the speed limit in all traffic conditions - can’t say for sure until I’ve experienced it though.
Barter the chair for a cooler, sit on cooler, receive cold beers.
This would make a really cool art installation where you start at the top of a multistory building and keep walking through and turning right before going downstairs to the next room where you walk through and turn right before going downstairs to the next room… Etc etc.
If all the furniture got progressively smaller as the walls and ceilings progressively closed in, it would feel just like this picture.
Or you could leave everything the same size and it would still make for a surreal experience going down, through, right, down, through, right, etc until popping out into the street - at that last set of stairs you’d be certain the door in front of you would lead straight into the identical living room from every other floor. Seeing the street instead would be a real mindfuck.
There are a bunch of online tools that are free and let you upload a PDF to have it go through OCR.
Just Google “Free PDF OCR” and click through all the ads to upload, then give them a temporary email address to get a download link to the finished product.
Hot tip: There are free temporary email address sites too, if you need one to avoid getting on their ad lists.
When you have privacy settings, what you really have is a lie.
It starts out with good intentions, like those in this post, but eventually everyone forgets that the platform still sees your posts and does not give a shit about selling them.
I would rather acknowledge from the very beginning that this entire system is not private, so there is never such a misunderstanding.
Everyone should post and comment with caution, just like you use caution with what you say in public places.
If you tear the bun, you’ve got a sandwich on your hands for sure!
Nope! It has bread on three sides, so it’s a taco.
Sandwiches only have bread on two sides.
I am always telling people this in the is-a-hotdog-a-sandwich debate, and this diagram makes it abundantly clear:
A hotdog is a taco.
Didn’t these jokers already try to overthrow their capital city, angling for a total annexation of Ukraine within the first few days of the conflict?
If Ukraine had not fought back, it’s statehood would have been history over a year ago.
Here’s an idea: Work the bare minimum you can until you are about 30 years old.
Then, cram training content online that current senior managers don’t know anything about(because they’ve been heads down grinding for a decade), inflate your resume(nobody is checking your references), and take their jobs.
It’s not a path to Director/VP that any of these influencers will endorse, but it’s tried and true. You can just ignore all their try hard BS and land in the same salary range when you need it.
You can attack the system and while you do that, there are people under 18 years old who are just trying to provide for themselves or their dependents and need a job now.
They have adult responsibilities before the age of 18. A lot of the commenters outright refuse to believe that these legal minors could have possibly matured earlier than the law expects, but that really does happen and it really is socially irresponsible to ignore their struggle.
Most commenters are essentially holding this series of positions based on a photo that is out of context: Why does this kid have a job? The system is bad. Why is the system bad? Some kids have jobs. How can we stop kids from working? We should outlaw jobs for kids.
But that series of positions critically fails to account for exceptions where kids become competent before the age of 18, need jobs and want to work.
It ignores that, in reality, many minors have kids of their own or other dependents that they are struggling to support and it does not provide any plan for them, it makes their situation worse while you fight the system.
That is inhumane public policy. Like many areas of law, this is a complicated issue, and we are going to harm people in our communities if we jump to strict authoritarian control for an answer.
This comment deserves an award. Mods should pin it to the top of the thread, because the majority of comments are totally divorced from their neighbors’ struggle to survive in our imperfect economy.
This is the first time I’ve encountered such extreme and immovable opinions on Lemmy. It’s wild to me that people who are (presumably) trying to support social justice for minors cannot even acknowledge that teenagers sometimes need and would prefer to work - that it’s a separate issue from child abuse and strict authoritarian prohibition over their labor is itself abusive.
Don’t people understand that a 17 year old can have a baby and need a job?
They won’t even entertain the possibility and defend an actual policy position. It’s devoid of social responsibility.
If they are genuinely socialist or communist, then how can they defend stripping 14-18 year olds of their natural right to profit from their own labor? It’s just as bad as a capitalist exploiting that labor with unlivable wages - they are essentially condemning these people to $0 in wages and total state dependence.
FatTony Search engine is it down or just me