Pink Floyd in the back??
Pink Floyd in the back??
Reminds me of 2 Pink Floyd images mixed together
My bad apparently.
I’ll rephrase: looks like AI 😇
50s American Christian Moms look tasty af 😅
It has that white evangelical Jesus look 😇
You have the weirdest post history ever. Congratulations, Sir 😏 Have my upvote :))
Sure, so shy 😏
Yeay let’s promote anorexia as a beauty ideal… 🙄
Any chance I can download and share the image set?
Boris wants his algorithms back 😂
Someone didn’t get the memo
Do you think they’re big enough? 😇
Consent, people, consent!
I ain’t gonna code for it lmao
I wish it existed though 👍
Edit: Devices with open BIOS/UEFI already exist, but nobody buys them. Check out System76 or Librem or NovaCustom or one of the many other places that sell devices with Coreboot on them.
Unfortunately, most customers care more about cheap laptops than they do about open laptops. If you sign this petition, also prove to computer manufacturers that there is demand for these devices by buying a computer with existing open bootloader support! There are even devices out there with the Intel ME pre-sabotaged so it can’t do anything harmful.
It should be noted that there is an open source UEFI implementation that is at the basis of many UEFI firmware packages; however, manufacturers often need to customise the open source part to make it work on their specific hardware configuration.
Appealing to the pedos, huh? 🙄
That’s not skinny, that’s close to death