As funny as the clips are. The voice got old after 12 seconds.
As funny as the clips are. The voice got old after 12 seconds.
If everyone lived like developed countries we would need even less resources because the birth rate is so low we wouldn’t suffer over population. Also look at how less developed countries dispose of garbage.
Not denying how some developed countries send their trash to developing countries for disposal on the beaches. Fuck them. CEO’s and politicians responsible need the rope.
Hurricanes are not getting more frequent or violent because of climate change though. They are likely to become more rare with increasing temperature in the northern hemisphere because of even temperatures in the weather systems.
Lex Friedman ep 339 does a good job explaining the difference between more and severe weather and people settling down in huge numbers in already exposed areas.
We had a huge rainfall in Norway last year submerging a lot of properties. People said this was unprecedented and because of climate change. Only issue is that we have historical data on earlier floods, and people had settled down below the markings of earlier floods more than 100 years ago. The issue is not climate change, but regulating properties on a patch of land you know with 100% certainty will get flooded again.
I left Spotify for Tidal. But why would anyone feel obliged for free music from a commercial host? Just self host if you dont want to pay. Piracy is always morally right. It’s preservation of cultural heritage.
I choose to pay for Tidal because of convenience. I refuse to pay for more than 2 streaming services. It’s fairly easy for any adult to make choices like that.
This is an imagined problem and a fairly new one to.
Left handed people having to use tools and appliances designed for right handed people is an actual bigger issue.
I hope they go for hindu swastikas just to mess with them.
“I’ve had sand on my vegetables before. Can I wash them?”
I’ve found sand in salad multiple times. Not washing greens are weird.
Can be built up power in the muscle. If you’ve ever cut out the heart of a fish it will beat in you palm. You can even stimulate it to beat with compressions after it stops by itself.
Flawed. What jobs are Greece lacking workers for? Can the said migrants fill those roles while simultaneously getting integrated into the societal norms and customs?
If yes. Cool.
If no. Not a solution.
I don’t agree to the pushing people into the sea. But one problem is not the solution to a different one.
Quota migrants are the way to go. Human trafficking is bad.
I thought it was 4 images for a while.
Jfc You’re dumb.
Just how the Black death was great for the working class. The plague didn’t discriminate. So the guilds collapsed and regular people could take up professions exclusive they was locked out of earlier.
Best thing that happened for reform was the black death. Almost as if toppling the social elite is net positive for everyone.
The rich will be the only one to survive how exactly?
Do you have any idea of how much empty space there is available in the northern hemisphere? A huge portion of the planet are inhabitable as it is now. Not because of heat but the opposite. The ocean level rising is neither a new phenomenon. The ocean has raised and fallen multiple times through the existence of our species. The first people who got to UK walked there. And when they settled hippos lived there.
Humans have never lived in a static environment. Most humans aren’t capable of imagining time beyond their own lifetime. Therefore some choose to resign. I guess that’s Darwinism at its finest.
I’m all in with climate change suck. I’m all for dragging the rich out in the street and setting them on fire for fucking everything up. But how some think we live in this static environment that only changed just now, and it will be our end is just wrong.
Can’t wait for Arrakeen rooftop agility courses. Gonna make some mad spice brews with the herblore skill and tend to my palm tree once a day for some mad xp drops.
Humanity wont end because of a rise in temperature. Humanity will change. Believing it’s an extinction level event is the opinion of someone who uses the bible as the timeline of humanity.
Spend a minute on the topic of historical changes in climate and you will see humanity will endure. Change sure, but not gone.
Why should art then be considered a profession? It could be for the talented ones. For everyone else its a hobby.
Just like so many people doing basic woodworking at home. Its a hobby and not a profession. Even though the most skilled ones has it as one.
Seeing a guy getting government founding totaling 3 million USD for shooting paint out his ass makes me clench around my tax money.
Creating art is a product which requires demand. Say you work as a graphic designer for a magazine or TV station. Then you make your money doing art just as a receptionist make money sitting behind the desk.
Being a receptionist as a freelance is a pretty shitty gig I believe. Working with art as a freelancer is actually possible. But it require a lot of networking and actual talent.
The demand for mediocre art is low. The demand for good art is high. Prices on popular works increase fast.
Idk about other places, bit in Norway there’s a requirement for a % of the budget that has to be used for art on the outside areas and lobby area on public buildings.
Almost all of it is crap. So giving away money to anyone calling themselves an artist doesn’t work.
For some reason people in art believe they don’t have to compete like every other individual creating a business. I’ve bought art and have some on my walls at home. But it’s an ocean of bad or uncreative works to skim through if you want to find something you like.
Happens in Norway occasionally. Even hits the headlines sometimes. Then you go into the price graph to see and the price is negative for an hour or so. Rest of the day it’s more expensive than it was 2 years ago before we sold our power to central Europe.
Got brigaded I guess. Went from upvoted to downvoted pretty fast. Intence community. Guess there’s some radical discord or something. Enjoy your politics.
I’m curious if the pro bono porn increased the traffic for the monetizes subreddits. So this might lead to a gross loss instead of pure savings from the server costs.
Anyhow. R/all is among the worse places on the internet. It can get fucked.