“Just because!”
“Just because!”
I’ve got a couple of 10TB HDDs. Is that enough?
What’s the file size on that?
Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy were miles better. It’s hard to say what they did so right compared to Force Unleashed but it’s a shame these ones sucked.
Holy cow. It’s like someone thought “the human race isn’t using enough single use plastic, how can we pump up those numbers? Maybe we can tie it in to the basic consumption of tap water.”
You are thinking about IP with tunnel vision. You just want to gain entertainment for free. There’s more than that to IP laws. How would you like it if you made art that was then used in a manner that you philosophically disagree with. For example, Meghan Trainor had a song that was used against her will in a political campaign against same sex marriage, she was able to cease and desist this use because of IP laws.
Then I assume you’ve done the rounds on Stargate and Farscape?
I think there’s room for improvement on copyright laws, but that’s a far cry from the outrageous claim that intellectual property isn’t a real thing.
In most if the modern world, copyright laws give automatic ownership of unique works of art. Legally IP is a real thing.
So if an artist creates a piece of intellectual property, do you not think they should have control over how it’s used? Including who can make profit off of it?
Sorry, I’m not going to read all that, but it seems like you’re upset about the shitty deals made by record labels and other large corporations, not intellectual property rights.
If you take away the ability to own and control your intellectual property, then you won’t be empowered.
Licensing art allows creators to earn a living off of their hard work.
I’ve had friends that were like brothers and have since grown apart from. Not because anyone did anything wrong. There’s just more to life than having to keep hanging out with the same people all the time.
Comics traditionally come out every month. This is issue 12. Is this specific title what the anniversary is for?
If you save the cheerleader then the creepy serial killer will join the team.
I don’t think YouTube really compares to Netflix
I reckon it’s more like the iPod touch. It’s applying a new idea in an area that is a mismatch for it’s potential. Eventually the best use for the emerging tech will become apparent and the current form will fall away
I never liked the analogy of a social contract. A contract is something that people agree on. Most of society is just people going through life fairly passively, and inheriting the values of those around them.
A lot of hate comes from ignorance, whether taught or absorbed from someone’s surroundings. Not because they are opting out of some kind of previously agreed upon contract. I think that’s an important thing to recognise.
The paradox of tolerance is a hypothetical idea of complete tolerance, which I’m not sure ever exists in humans in the real world.