Good! I do not get family gossiping immediate family
Good! I do not get family gossiping immediate family
Thanks for explaining it! I had googled it but it seemed so harmless I didn’t get it. That’s kind of insane to ban discussion of a standard law….
What would lemmy admins have to gain?
Sorry I was asking about jury nullification and what that means and what the mod meant since you seemed to get it.
Thanks for explaining that though. Do you prefer your instance?
What does this mean
I’m on mobile so it’s hard to respond to everything you said. Thank you for a detailed response and for being kind!
I am totally unaware of the field other than my uncle describing how difficult it can be. Thanks for explaining more.
Sounds like trying to find work at my libraries help desk might be a good step? I lost some hours on another university job so that could help and be a learning experience.
Maybe I can ask what could I be teaching myself at home that could transfer to a desirable skill?
I’ve worked with some languages (Java and python), docker, VMs, some managed switch and vlan stuff, and I guess generally managing multiple servers on and off site (house).
Thanks again! Their response as the first one I get in the community was upsetting and you made it better :)
Why the rudeness? My post says I enjoy managing my home stuff and am considering it as a backup job opportunity other than my PhD. Nothing unclear there.
Freshrss is really great!
Yeah, it is the best
Not the answer I want to give but the honest answer is alcohol, video games, tv with my wife, sex, and tiktok. Anything that turns my brain off once I decide I have done enough work for the day. It isn’t a great way to live and I hope to get out of it after I pass my prelimary exams.
Sadly this.
Can you explain?
Reverse racism in China and to a less extent Japan. Only really exists for white people. Better pay and more attention just for being white but it get old really quick. I’ve actually found that it’s city people who are more annoying about it. When I got to the countryside I find them more kind. With all the things wrong with America, I am thankful for it not being an ethnostate.
The last exciting purchases I have made have been some video games (I never buy any anymore), special food for my wife like Korean or her hometown food, bought my wife a bike, vacation stuff is fun like taking a sudden Saturday trip to the beach, buying a fun drink, buying a month of a vpn to torrent more.
I would like to think continuing to invest in 401ks and IRA is my most wise purchases.
Last dog/house sitting job I got paid what these people are demanding someone pays them… people can be deluded. Their lovely townhome is pretty rough looking too…
Also baking soda does the same thing but not as well. Just add a pinch to your water.
Totally this. It just sucks to put work into a comment or a post and be downvoted to hell.
Cotton bud stick???