You’re totally right! Lemmyshitpost is the best place to have a serious and nuanced discussion about the atrocities committed by Xi and the CCP. And here I was thinking this was just a place to SHITPOST ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Musician, Comedian, Grognard,
You’re totally right! Lemmyshitpost is the best place to have a serious and nuanced discussion about the atrocities committed by Xi and the CCP. And here I was thinking this was just a place to SHITPOST ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Damn dude. What am I gonna do now?
Damn guess I’m never gonna make it as a true meme artist. Oh well, at least you laughed your little ass off from numbers 1-5.
Thank you so much! Rad to hear
This is some OC from me and I hope you sickos like it!
I’m not! Sounds wicked though
Just found out about them last night! Listening through the second album and loving it. Apparently the first is just as good. So stoked
Oh yeah I think you’re right.
I’d bet a shrike put it there. They’re known as butcher birds and they skewer their prey before eating.
This is so well done!
Also thank you to the Mlem team for such a prompt and clear message to the community. You guys rule.
Thanks for everything Dave! Wouldn’t have made the leap to Lemmy were it not for the app you’d been a part of.
Loving this resurgence of speed metal. Really into Traveler lately
I used to think the term “rape culture” was overblown, then I started reading shit like this. Absolutely disgusting. A victim has to physically fight back - putting them in greater danger and their lives at risk - AND they have to be able to prove it? How does a child prove they physically fought back even if they had the wherewithal to? Disgusting.
I’ve been playing Victoria 3 and I just can’t wait to have fun