No i mean its just not correcting the search lol. Like if I ask “wgat tim is the wether” It wont give me what I want and instead I gotta fix the errors myself
No i mean its just not correcting the search lol. Like if I ask “wgat tim is the wether” It wont give me what I want and instead I gotta fix the errors myself
lol i know what Old windows was like XD. 95 and Vista, I used both those. im not that young/out of touch.
ok, after using DDG for 3-4 weeks, its come to my attention that this search engine is kinda fucking annoying to use ;m;
First thing, it doesn’t correct the misspellings for me like google does, I have to fix them myself. idrk if theres a fix for that
second thing, it is now ALSO giving me heavily unrelated shit to what im trying to search. Im trynna look up things like “How to make Kava taste good” and its giving me articles on just what Kava is. or I’m looking up, “Why do all the good people die first and bad people live on” and its giving me articles on what personality traits live the longest. It’s some how WORSE than google, cus now I have to do even more tweaking in my searches just to get it to fucking stop, it wouldnt even tell me if the word “Am” is a Pronoun or not, I had to scroll through a bunch of unrelated shit before giving up and using google. What the fuck :(
Thirdly, there is no third complaint really- im just getting really really sick and tired of DDG giving me random/unrelated shit. maybe im not doin something right, idk, but its frustrating as fuck.
Tbh… DDG in my opinion gives me way too much porn when it comes to image searching. And sure I could just turn on safe search, but I dont wanna do that and fear it may hide some images that aren’t porn that I’d maybe wanna see
You have issues man. You really do. Never did I say I won. You gotta hop off the fuckin internet my guy.
When the fuck did I ever say I won??
I even explained I have fucking autism you dipstick?? Read the rest of the replies here, plenty of other people kindly explained it to me better than you did cus you were just generally being a dick.
I actually had someone else explain it better to me. Cheers.
I was made fun of/mocked. When asking FURTHER QUESTIONS you continue to be a dick and insult me. I never fucking doubled down on anything aside from the fact that this some parts community just feels judgmental asf to outsiders.
I wanted to learn MORE about the community, to understand it. The side bar didn’t answer all the questions I had. I didnt come here to fucking attack you or anyone else here. I don’t hate this place either, but it is a fact that some people here, LIKE YOU just aren’t tolerant of others. I came to lemmy to get away from that typa shit.
You insulted me while saying that. thats why I keep commenting. Not to mention the other assholes that keep doing the same!
You cant give someone decent advice and then straight up mock/insult me and just expect people to be chill with that type of shit. I even said “What if there’s something here I DO actually find interesting” I still got made fun of for it. Regardless the “Algorithm”, it doesn’t do shit ti cater to my interest anyways! I’ve been here for months! And I KEEP getting recommended Linux and programming memes. I dont even program! Thats just all this place keeps offering me!
And I did read it. But your stupid ass doesn’t wanna read what I HAVE to say! And you have the balls to call me ignorant? Fuck off. Blocked.
I never said this place fucking sucked. thanks for putting words in my mouth.
Also you can’t get miffed at me for supposedly “Complaining” about the point of the community
Deadass the title is fuckcars. 90% of everyone here is complaining about something jerkass
Its always Anti-“Insert topic” subs that, when I ask why they exist and what’s the point, people immediately insult me instead of either going “Myeh we don’t all just hate on cars here, just specific things like ‘Insert specific things’” or just answering the question. Its always “WELL IF YA DON’T LIKE IT GET OUT!”
Maybe it is the caps, but I never badmouth anyone or anything when I ask, Im just super confused and wanna understand. But I get told to fuck off.
What alternatives?? Every post here is either complaining about roads, traffic, or specific cars?? I have yet to see someone go “Ah, just finished a bike run! Feeling real good!”
Jesus fuck, you didn’t have to go and insult me. The sidebar was enough but even then I still don’t understand wtf the point of the sub at all or why it’s constantly recommended to me. :/
I use a buncha caps and punctuation all the time cus im autistic, it’s in all my comments and posts; for me it’s like I’m putting my thoughts as they are on the screen. So if I wanna scream or emphasize somethin then I put it in all caps.
I don’t really like having to block whole ass communities like that, cus what if there IS an interesting post I see from there?? I like just being able to tell Lemmy “Hey, stop showing me this” instead of blocking.
And im not even complaining really I just:
A. dont understand what this post is trying to tell me.
B. what this has to do about cars being bad.
C. Why fuckcars is the only one shown to me and not something else like Anti-child or Anti-work or anti-anything else.
And the sidebars are often useless compared to the actual behavior of the community. Scrolling the comments, it’s just a lotta people going “Yea I know a guy who ALWAYS drives his truck with stuff in it, fukin chump.” and some (Seemingly) sour attitudes towards truck drivers for carrying a buncha stuff in their trucks.
Its weird cus I dunno what the point of this place is at all or why people hate cars so much? Is it like a “Don’t drive cars! Bike instead!” kinda thing or what?
Why do I keep getting recommended this sub. Wtf is this place even for?? Is it hating on cars or hating on car owners??
This sub is weird…
noooonononono I have a history of severe ADHD, Depression, and Tourretes. Im scared anything hallucinogenic will Permanently fuck me up, and none of my psychiatrists can really answer me honestly if its a good idea (They just tell me not to do it period cus drugs)
Im just using firefox on google, but I have an extention that corrects the search results