That is the opening chapter of Kim Stanley Robinson’s “The Ministry For The Future”. Scary how fast that became real…
That is the opening chapter of Kim Stanley Robinson’s “The Ministry For The Future”. Scary how fast that became real…
You can see one in the Netflix series “Invisible city”, plus another couple dozen Brazilian folklore demons. Highly recommendable btw
Paywall : (
Paywall :(
You guys do that, too? I thought I was the only one…
We appreciate you! Thank you!
Totally awesome!
“You keep speaking, and I’ll stand guard.” We need more of that. Much more.
True! I actually have 3 only in water right now!
I’ve done it successfully, they grow new roots in water in about 6-8 weeks, then into a new pot!
It still amazes me that a country that small with that little natural resource as Germany can have such a strong and big economy!
And the holocaust of the Palestinian people continues… Three generations removed, the Jewish people doesn’t remember
Looks like some sort of heat exchanger…
I’ve been using Joplin for awhile and am very happy with it. Sync via Dropbox, with tags to use it for GTD (getting things done) works like a charm!
All in for another 1000-year Reich 🤦♂️
Totally! Makes you want to DO something!
The ministry for the future by Kim Stanley Robinson. And moreso after the Texan republicans are trying to keep climate science out of classrooms!
It still scares the shite out of me, we need those ministry black ops folks ASAP!