(I’m seeing both in Jerboa just fine, I actually really like this interface it reminds me a lot of Infinity which was my preferred Reddit app before)
(I’m seeing both in Jerboa just fine, I actually really like this interface it reminds me a lot of Infinity which was my preferred Reddit app before)
I’d imagine any emulator would be serious about supporting core features of its default controller. Might take a bit though.
For what it’s worth Yuzu (the Switch emulator) already supports gyro aiming with PS4/5/Steam/Switch Pro controllers natively and feels pretty great. I’m sure other emulators have made progress there (I recall Citra’s 3DS gyro emulation working but feeling off)
#1 is Intimidator 305 forever and always
After that it’s really hard. I tend to think of which coasters are my favorite from each manufacturer, and it’s such a toss up to compare rides I love that have entirely different feels. So I guess rounding things out in no particular order it’d go
I know they’re on the verge of upcoming remakes and their current discounts aren’t much, but I’m excited to play Lisa: The Painful and Persona 3 Portable - in the latter’s case I’ve already played P3FES but I wanted to hold off on playing the FemC route until either Atlus or fans added in manual skill inheritance - by far the feature I missed most from P4G and P5R. Thankfully, modders have accomplished that and more for P3P.
DW is one I don’t really see but SDC is. Also missing a couple Six Flags (notably FT, OT, OG, SL, NE, and I guess DL)
Also I like having LRotN defined even if it’s not that common, partially for the meme acronym LRotNoLoCoSuMo