Wait are we getting arcanes on all exalted weapons or just the pseudo exalts!?
Wait are we getting arcanes on all exalted weapons or just the pseudo exalts!?
Trinity always feels like a frame that despite the recent re-work is just too much from a different era of the game. On paper bless is an incredible support ability compared to something like wisps motes as it not only provides faster healing but also a full shield gate. And yet wisp is more popular because her motes provide in the moment healing which is far more relevant in the modern game where you’re either immortal or at risk of being one or two shot. It’s also far less reliant on the supporting player to monitor everyones health and hit the button at the right time.
Aren’t all soldiers signing up to kill people for money, yes he’s on the opposing side and we can hate him for supporting a fascist war machine that’s trying to annex a soverign nation; but I don’t see how we can hate him for the simple act of being a soldier unless we’re prepared to say that about all of our own soldiers as well.
Any specifics on that gaze build?
Valkitty time!
First of all yeh she needs a rework badly, her 1 is pre-parkour update, her 2 has been power creeped by so many other frames and her 3 doesn’t even do anything without an augment, Hysteria’s pretty great but the stance is horrid. All in all a frame that could use one of those patented Pablo lite reworks.
That said she’s still awesome, I’ve been kind of working on a bit of a ‘rework’ lately seeing how modern I can make her kit feel with just in-game mechanics. So far I have.
Its… a bit of a work in progress but I still love her as a frame, ████ (too many) hours of in-mission gameplay on just Valkyr prime are proof enough of that. There’s nothing more relaxed than tooling around an exterminate or survival in perfect safety ripping grineer heads off.
Totally aware of how busted zephyr is, Just wish her flight was less clunky as it feels bit like Ivaras crit zipline where its something you set up in place rather than use dynamically like say Hildryn or Jades flgiht.
Its not an overly hard boss but its exmplery of how rotten warframes core mechanics are at this point. Especially in the apex version its just cheese the boss before it cheeses you.
Personally I think its down to how abundant healing has become, We can instant heal at will so the only damage thats meaingful is oneshots, and when that’s the case it invalidates all the survivability mechanics that aren’t one one shot resistant in turn, and the only worthwhile defence for enemies is either weird damage calculations or disabling half the mechanics we play the game for in the first place. Healing is out of control and player damage is out of control and its eating away at the core gameplay loop.
Grineer are so great for testing weaponry.
Seems super handy for the new Apex tank boss.
The tileset is amazing but I keep encoutnering a bug where Eximus auras can now stack infinitely, so if multiple arctic eximi spawn I get slowed so much its like I have 4 hobbled dragon keys on at once, or the new defence eximus stacking up such that even butchers can withstand damage cap.
Primed ammo drum when?
I never saw that rat/pobber thing so close up before, its nightmarish…
Sorry it was AznvasionsPlays (Original post corrected)
It was a long ass time ago, I accidentally discovered the interaction between well of life/blood altar and mag bubbles, my buddy who actually mains mag saw the potential and made a build out of it and posted it on reddit. Link Luckily it seems my buddies comment is now at the top of the comment section.
So Mag is very powerful but not really my frame, I did give her a solid try once and the result was a Brozime video (I’m one of two people behind the original reddit post that Brozime refered to as ‘the reddit community’) While broken if used right it always feels like the correct way to use mag is never the intuative way to use mag, her best interactions come from using her kit in very un-intended feeling ways.
Very fun pinball frame, great since his re-work but DE seem to have a hard time hitting the mark with how quickly consumed enemies die. If they died really quickly you could use eating as a direct form of killing but its not quite fast enough for that, but its too fast to easily maintain charges for your abilities and to stop his 3 from draining exponentially. It ends up with him being a very active and still fun frame but one that doesn’t quite hit the mark for either power fantasy.
Dig or Die made an attempt and went in a pretty interesting direction with simulated structural stress and water physics that even included pressure. Unfortunately development died pretty early on and the structure mechanics and combat were incredibly punishing.
Don’t forget basically all science, most of the actual groundbreaking work is done using public funds; private interests only step and once the underlying theory is already proven.
Alternatively it can just be any 3D shape depending on how thick the ‘slice’ of 4D space intersected by our 3D world is and wether the 4D thing is undergoing translation or rotation.
iirc there’s something called ‘depressive realism’ where depressed or otherwise overly pessimistic people tend to be more accurate at predicting outcomes. The implication being that to function as human beings we have to be at least slightly deluded at all times.
Get 500 dollars then use AI to generate the other 3/4 of the money and buy a 5090.