Considering that it’s the fact that it even exists right now is the concerning part, yes.
The earth is a closed system, just because there’s a very early hurricane half a world away doesn’t mean the climate isn’t being effected everywhere.
For you this could mean an increased amount of warm water moving in through the Gulf stream to the North Atlantic. This will bring warmer waters to the coastal regions of Europe increasing the severity of storms there, until that warmer water causes the Gulf stream to completely collapse plunging Europe into an early ice age.
The weather where this hurricane is does directly affect you where you live.
So they’re turning it into a Driver/GTA clone?
So you’ll know it’s supposed to be funny.
If you’ve ever watched the the videos of the Big Bang Theory sitcom with the laugh tracks removed, you’ll notice it feels a lot more like a group of people being shitty and verbally abusive towards each other and it’s not all that funny without being told to laugh.
Why go through the trouble of writing an actual funny dialogue when you can just tell the viewers it’s funny and they’ll laugh?
World war II wasn’t called “world war II” until 1944, future events will dictate weather we’re already living in the early war.
There are Russian, North Korean, and Iranian troops fighting in Ukraine
There’s conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine
China is playing a game of brinkmanship with Taiwan and The Philippines.
If things heat up, future historians may place the beginning of world war 3 on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
They had a primary, did everyone suddenly forget all the Palestine protesters that abstained from voting for Biden in the primary?
“Nobody wants to work anymore” say the companies that deceive people into thinking they might get a job with postings for positions that don’t exist.
They didn’t start calling WWII what it is until 1944, but I think we can all agree it didn’t start in 1944.
Just like later historians placed the start of WWII on multiple different events depending on which country you’re in, the start of World War III will be long before we start calling it that.
I’m in the camp that the start of WW3 will be the Russian invasion of Ukraine if things continue to escalate the way they’re going, because that’s when you really started seeing lines being drawn between the axis and allies.
Russia, China, Iran, and NK are the most recognizable names that have aligned themselves with the axis so far.
The lines are already drawn and future events will dictate whether or not we’re currently living in WW3 today.
Well it’s Russian infrastructure on Ukrainian land, who cares what it’s for?
Accidentally replied instead of editing to fix a mistake. Disregard comment.
I think that the great filter/fermi paradox is a combination of two facts,
They’re not missing or gone, they’ve just moved beyond messy radio signals. Even we tightened up our radio emissions in a little over a century. Most of what we watch or listen to comes to us via fiber, cable, or short range transmissions like cell phone towers and Wi-Fi.
I don’t.
I don’t have kids, I work 40hrs a week, I don’t buy little things I want because there’s a few “big” things I want that’ll I’ll need about $800 for.
I make it almost paycheck to paycheck and it will take me at least 6 months to save $800 if I buy nothing else.
I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to be a juice box
Accused? The proof of the affair was part of the evidence for his criminal trial.
The point is, enough of them said No that they didn’t have a choice but to let them do it.
Imagine what they could have done with an actual union to organize and coordinate their efforts.
About 3 years too late.
Not likely, considering the last few times it happened it didn’t. This is the first time it’s happened since the 1980s, not the first time it’s happened.
I’m sure China would be thrilled if Russia started WWIII on their border.
But let’s be honest though, world war III started 3 years ago and as of right now there are currently 9 more active conflicts going on worldwide than the peak of world war II, but no one is going to call it a world war until the superpowers are in direct conflict with each other.
Yeah this definitely feels like they’re just trying to bring them out of hiding so they can start exterminating them again.