Maybe Game Freak shouldn’t be the guys making Pokémon anymore
Maybe Game Freak shouldn’t be the guys making Pokémon anymore
a friend of mine made a comment about appreciating calves and that threw the whole chat off kilter
The video is so much more funny because the sink cat is the one who turns it on
Idk it works great for me. I use it all the time
man I’m so glad my phone has a gesture function. drag three fingers down for a full shot or tap n hold to snip a specific part of my screen.
ignoring Chekov’s Gun as a writer is my favorite past time
it’s also just dangerous to make your cat think it’s safe to be around something that could maim or kill them. I reel every time I see a ‘cute’ photo of a cat in a drying machine or on top of the oven. teach your cat that place is NOT safe
yeah, the last time I tried to get a diagnosis it was a 6 month wait just to meet the doctor for it. And I had to make a phone call too which I avoid at all costs even if it’s detrimental because the anxiety gets to me so bad haha
My favorite thing I learned while researching for writing was that hunter-gatherers worked less hours than the modern human 🙃
iirc the article stated ‘work’ as when they hunted, not for stuff like cooking and crafting
I know the signs because I was obsessed with Homestuck in middle school
Looks like a toadlet! They’re so cute
my ace ass looked at the chicken as requested
So is this like talking about the zone out daydream stuff? Cause if so, I simply don’t exist. I pick one of the stories I’ve made and work on them instead. Or replay some of my favorite scenes.
If this is about the mental image of myself, it’s either a formless stream of consciousness, or when I’m berating myself I almost acknowledge it as a different person
ooh my tactile icks would be silk-y textures and microfiber cloth. In addition to soap and lotions so I try to be efficient with it before I can’t stand the feeling
Ah yes, hearing loss. So cool.
is this from some game?
I gotta start direct downloading my music again soon. Spotify has just left me feeling so frustrated lately.
I personally resist the urge to kill by playing PvP games