Don Snoreleone
There are now two wolves and a moose inside of you.
The 13th month should be called Smarch!
¿Porqué no los tres?
No, it’s probably closer to 4E. Unbounded accuracy. Three action economy. Martials and casters are well balanced. Character creation isn’t all about min/maxing, but more on party dynamics. Combat is very tactical.
2E please. Owlcat has a great 1E system and both Kingmaker and WotR were solid, but second edition is just a much better system mechanically and balance wise.
Won’t you take me to… Donkey Town
Omae wa mou shindeiru.
This is how Taco Bell wins the franchise wars.
His name is Ben Swolo.
Neverwinter Nights had something similar with modules and there was a massive community built around it. Will be interesting to see how complex this system is when it comes to scripting interactions and events, managing assets, and building narratives.
Agreed that it went on way too long.
Did someone else just watch the SNL “Bug Dumb Cups” sketch?
I am Root!