Any chance it’s “The Thieves of Ostia” by Caroline Lawrence? It’s Roman not Greek, but those can be pretty similar
Sounds a lot like “Becoming Human” by John C. Wright. Any other details come to mind? Or titles that you’ve ruled out?
Suggestions for action? I’m in the education stage, but I’m having difficulty imagining beyond that. I’ve participated in protests and some similar activism, but haven’t seen much in the way of results.
Baby Journal could use an more detailed About page. It looks like it’s a shared space for families to post/talk about their kids in digital saftey. What an awesome idea! Well done!
Good points, aside from equating COVID to the flu. Even with hospitals at normal census, the less deadly variants, and the vaccines, COVID is still less understood than the flu. Long-COVID, for example, is a serious problem, where as influenza rarely (if ever) has such lasting issues.
Well lookie there, cult initiation tactics perpetrated by checks notes worlds most violent cult. That checks out.