Very cool. What’s the third panel from? It doesn’t ring a bell.
Very cool. What’s the third panel from? It doesn’t ring a bell.
Who says they’re planning to send them anywhere?
Reddit is no longer a safe place for free speech
Friendly reminder of when spez, many years ago, literally just changed a user’s comment, and then went on to not be immediately fired over this insane breach of everything to do with customer relations.
So they just do it without an amendment. Who’s gonna stop them? The SCOTUS which has declared that Trump isn’t bound by law while president? The people, who happily voted Trump into power after he tried to overthrow the previous government? Congress? The military?
Maybe one of them will, but I would be very anxious these days if I lived in the US.
A new colour (visible to humans).
I can crack the knuckles of my big toes at will (only moving my toes, no hands involved).
I mean it makes some sense as memes take less effort to post (they can also just be copied from r/anarchychess or similar places) and lead to some quick upvotes. I’m still confused about having so little activity though.
Old School Runescape.
Also, I’m really confused as to why chess doesn’t have an active community on Lemmy. Online chess has seen a big boom in recent years, and the demographics of chess players and Lemmy users should have a lot of overlap (i.e. the nerdy IT people), but for some reason the chess community here is more or less dead. Only anarchychess is active, which is great, but I’d love to have an active replacement for r/chess.
Ich hab gestern den Link hier gesehen, draufgeklickt, die Umfrage war offen für alle, ich hab meine Meinung angekreuzt. Kriminelle Energie hat sich noch nie so Vanille angefühlt.
Well, for now they’re being deported to Guantanamo Bay. That doesn’t necessarily mean they will then also be deported to their home countries. I could very well see the Trump administration keep thousands of people there indefinitely and have them do slave labor (which is legal in the US).