Magnetic audio cable break-aways
Magnetic audio cable break-aways
If she doesn’t want it on her it’s going on the floor. I’m not about to risk a child because “it feels better.”
I used to date a girl who took birth control and preferred I just do it inside. But I also know a couple who got pregnant while using birth control.
That relationship didn’t last long.
Peanut butter toast with Sriracha.
Motherfucker needs a matching pair of Airwalk Carrots…
Boom. #nailedit
I mean, aren’t we using mostly Latin letters and sounds to spell non-Latin words?
There’s a phonetic English alphabet out there. Some Scottish poet commissioned it years ago.
It is named after him. But I am an uncultured swine and can’t remember who it is at the moment.
Oh yeah… I know him.
… Who?
I still haven’t played the Halloween hack. But thank you for the explanation. One Earthbounder to another.
He invented the Sky Runner, among other things.
No idea why the LGBTQ+community has beef with him though.
When doing a convolution of two curves in time, you flip one of them backwards.
Our shit statistics teacher made it so complicated.
And then one day, next semester, in a lab for signals class, the TA casually said “flip one, so they both start at zero seconds” and half the class started convulsing as an entire semester worth of misunderstood math magically snapped into place.
Lots of engineering teachers, have no business being teachers.
Deal. Now you get a production credit.
Open world mystery-solving rpg that’s set in early colonial New England.
All the different townships are religiously secular and xenophobic. So you have to travel from place to place earning people’s trust, while simultaneously working on different parts of different crimes/mysteries.
It sounds… Complicated. But this is all hypothetical.
I wouldn’t be interested in some stance on religion. Just the point of that’s how it was in some places.
The game could have an occult/magic type vibe. Or not.
We have this little rechargeable night light that shaped like a slug. I think it’s for little kids, but we use it on the bathroom at night so you don’t have to turn the main light on, but you can still hit the toilet.
It’s a dumb little thing. But it works so well and keeps a charge FOREVER. We got it on Amazon for like $15.
Plus you turn it on/off by clacking the eyes together.
This is the way.