Cement is kind of a big pile of rocks if you think about it. And yes, that is Treriksröset.
Cement is kind of a big pile of rocks if you think about it. And yes, that is Treriksröset.
Can’t recall there being an active genocide going on with the full throated support of the US government when Biden got into office.
Rooks. They’re the right blend of creepy/ugly/cute.
Even the anti-nato people tend to be pro-Ukraine.
I used to be bored at work as I had too much downtime, so I decided to just accept more duties. Was nice to be able to solve problems learn new things and it made the time go faster. But you just keep getting more and more work and responsibilities heaped on you for doing a good job, and absolutely nobody notices it until you start falling apart. Then all of a sudden people you’ve never heard of are ‘concerned’ about you. At this point I am burnt out and do even less work than when I was bored, but the difference is that it also drains me.
The lesson is to never try to work at or around full capacity. Don’t fall into the trap of being bored and deciding to take on more work.
All the English words used there seems to be technical terms rather than random English. But a lot of English has made it into Swedish vocab, so I assume the same is true of Danish.
It gets weirder when the people using it in slang also barely can speak English. Have mentored a couple of youths and it is very jarring to see them completely fall apart when talking to someone in English.
One of my pastimes as an incredibly lonely teenager was just observing jackdaws, crows and magpies. You can tell that they actually think before acting which is fascinating.
Also jackdaws have very pretty eyes.
Looking at some of the cope about them not being Nazis from the Wikipedia citations.
No legionnaire has ever been part of the German National Socialist Workers’ Party.
Well then, I guess they simply can’t be nazis.
Snow and lack of sun in areas where it regularly drops below zero would be an issue with that.
Another point is that homes in the UK are so badly insulated you on average have to use three times as much energy to keep it warm than in Germany for example. And the people who are most unlikely to afford heating will live in the worst insulated houses.
This is a thread of big lies that people believe.
Colonialism was a civilising mission.
Neoliberalism has also broken people’s brains to believe that nothing better is possible and anyone promising something other than managed decline or being vindictive against an outgroup is a charlatan.
We need some economist to come out and say everyone is wrong and things are great actually, the plebs haven’t even considered the line going up.
The true signifier of a good economy is increased exploitation after all.
How does this favour fast fashion?
People who are unable to smoothly merge or use slip roads without slowing down 500m before even starting to turn off should have their licenses revoked unless they take a driving course to correct their behaviour.
People who zigzag should just be put in a gulag however. Scum of the earth.
But this is what Xi is proposing as the permanent lasting solution.
“I have emphasised on many occasions that the only viable way to break the cycle of Palestinian-Israeli conflict lies in a two-state solution, in the restoration of the legitimate national rights of Palestine, and in the establishment of an independent state of Palestine,” Xi said.
I’d say the Oslo accords were the last dividing point where anything looking like a two state solution without essentially dismantling Israel was realistic. But they assassinated the PM who was cooperating in the effort and the hard line Zionists have been in charge since.
Talking about a temporary two state solution is the same as going back to the pre October 7th status quo. Israel isn’t going to end their current course unless forced to by outside forces.
They broke out their special masturbation room rebuke flags to deny it.
Was just riffing on the idea that the people in the picture would be involved in any way with the statements put forward by the Swedish ambassador to Poland.
A fascinating case study in how a lot of the people yelling at succdems in the west for proposing a two state solution as liberalism will turn themselves into pretzels to justify that it is actually great when it is Xi.
The only way to end hostilities is to dismantle the zionist entity. If they were willing to accept a two state solution that would have been a reality decades ago, but further settlements are necessary for their ideology.
Nah, it was these three children and their mum that denied it.
Remember when they were trying to argue that they didn’t have any rifles and that the stupid leftists were just overreacting when this started being reported.
Now it is just completely normal to have a lethal weapon trained on you at all times while other police brutalise protestors. It means that you’re safer.