For Amusement Purposes Only.
Changeling poet, musician and writer, born on the 13th floor. Left of counter-clockwise and right of the white rabbit, all twilight and sunrises, forever the inside outsider.
Seeks out and follows creative and brilliant minds. And crows. Occasional shadow librarian.
#music #poetry #politics #LGBTQ+ #magick #fiction #imagination #tech
I rewatched this recently, and yeah, all the cliches are there (some rather clumsily filmed even by 40s standards) - but fuck me if Bogie still doesn’t blow it out of the water with that performance. I can’t think of a single film noir protagonist that matches what he pulled off in that film. He’s better here than he is in Casablanca by a long shot imho.
I christened this guy Ratfucker Kennedy when he started his campaign, and today, beyond all doubt, he’s earned the right to bear that name.
You see, according to Cocteau’s plan I’m the enemy, 'cause I like to think; I like to read. I’m into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I’m the kind of guy likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder - “Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?” I WANT high cholesterol. I wanna eat bacon and butter and BUCKETS of cheese, okay? I want to smoke Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section. I want to run through the streets naked with green jello all over my body reading playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to, okay, pal? I’ve SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It’s a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing “I’m an Oscar Meyer Wiener”.
Regardless of what any of the Klingons in this thread claim, I suggest following S.P.O.C.K.'s advice - never trust a Klingon.
Agreed. I’d also like to add that intelligence != wisdom != experience, and you need all three to achieve real understanding.
It’s been depreciating at a pretty constant rate. I’d wait to invest until it’s under $1.
ngebHa’‘a’ yInvam’e’? jaltaHghach ‘oH’a’ neH?
mujon pumbogh puH, DI’rujvamvo’ jInarghlaHbe’
mInDu’lIj tIpoSmoH, ‘ej chalDaq yIlegh
chovup vIneHbe’, loDHom Do’Ha’ jIH neH
jIghoSDI’ ‘ej jIjaHDI’ ngeDmo’, vItlhchugh pagh vItlhHa’chugh
SuS HoS vIqeltaHvIS, jIHvaD tlhoy ‘oH bop vISaHbe’, jIHvaD
SoSoy, qen loD vIchotpu’
nachDajvaD HIch vIQeqpu’, chu’wI’ yuvpu’, DaH Heghpu’
SoSoy, qen jIyInchoHpu’
‘ach DaH yInwIj naQ vIpolHa’chu’pu’
SoSoy, ‘o-‘o-‘o-‘o, qaSaQmoH ‘e’ vIHechbe’
qaSpa’ wa’leS poHvam jIcheghpu’be’chugh
yIruchtaH, yIruchtaH ‘ej pagh SaHbogh vay’ yIDalaw’
narghpu’ ‘eb, tugh jIHegh
jIHeghvIpmo’ bIr pIpwIj, ‘oy’law’taH porghwIj
naDevvo’ jIjaHnIS. Savan, Hoch.
tlhIHvo’ jImejnISqu’ ‘ej vIt vIbamnIS
SoSoy, ‘o-‘o-‘o-‘o, (SuS HoS vIqeltaHvIS)
jIHegh vIneHbe’
paghlogh jIboghchoHpu’ rut ‘e’ vIjInqu’
[leSpal mob QoQ]
wa’ loD QIb tu’qomHomHey mach vIleghlaw’taH
SIqaramuS, SIqaramuS, qul mI’ DamI’‘a’?
mughIjqu’ wabDaj’e’ pe’bIl’e’ je, mughIjqu’
ghalIl’eyo’, ghalIl’eyo’, ghalIl’eyo’, ghalIl’eyo’,
ghalIl’eyo’, vIgha’ro’, QaQqu’ ghu’vetlh
loD Do’Ha’ jIH neH, ‘ej mumuSHa’ pagh
Do’Ha’bogh tuqvo’ loDHom Do’Ha’ ghaH neH
ghu’vam qabqu’vo’ narghlaH ‘e’ yIchaw’
jIghoSDI’, jIjaHDI’ ngeD, tujonHa’‘a’
Qun pongvaD! Qo’, bIjaH ‘e’ wIchaw’be’
(yItlhabmoH) Qun pongvaD! bIjaH ‘e’ wIchaw’be’
(yItlhabmoH) Qun pongvaD! bIjaH ‘e’ wIchaw’be’
(HItlhabmoH) bIjaH ‘e’ wIchaw’be’
(HItlhabmoH) bIjaH ‘e’ wIchaw’be’. (HItlhabmoH) ‘o
Qo’! Qo’! Qo’! Qo’! Qo’! Qo’! Qo’!
(‘o SoSoywI’, SoSoywI’) SoSoywI’! HItlhabmoH!
jIHvaD veqlarghHom poltaH veqlargh ‘e’ vISov, jIHvaD, jIHvaD
nagh chojaDlaH ‘ej mInwIj Datuy’laH ‘e’ DaQub
chomuSHa’laH vaj HeghmeH cholonlaH ‘e’ DaQub
‘o bangwI’, jIHvaD yIta’Qo’, bangwI’!
jIHaw’nIS neH - naDevvo’ jIHaw’nISchu’ neH
ghu’vam vISaHbe’qu’, ‘e’ leghlaH vay’
ghu’vam vISaHbe’qu’
ghu’vam vISaHbe’qu’, jIHvaD
SuS HoS vIqeltaHvIS
I avoid this by not watching porn that makes me sad. There’s plenty of consensual, happy, joyful sex-positive porn out there.
While your point is valid about this particular situation (which is horrible and criminal on multiple levels), your overbroad generalization of porn and the implied assumption of guilt in the viewers is what’s led folks to react negatively to your statement.
On a larger level, this kind of statement plays into the puritanical doctrines towards sex that paint it as a negative force, and subsequently leads to the twisting of a positive, creative act into a negative expression of power and rape in those that accept those doctrines.
Porn is not at fault here, nor are its viewers. Those at fault in this crime are the producers and publishers, who were well aware of the abuses happening under their watch, and deceived their viewers into believing they were observing consensual performance acts. I hope that these women get every cent and more, and it would be excellent to see a class action suit from Pornhub’s subscribers arise in tandem to and in support of their complaint.
抱歉 - 這可能是我的錯
@Virginicus - the Freedom Caucus certainly will. However, the realpolitik of the situation is that any Speaker will need Democratic support to get elected at this point.
There are three possible outcomes here:
The Republicans are able to control their caucus and elect a new speaker entirely with GOP votes (highly unlikely, and if they do, a new leader will be just as vulnerable as McCarthy was until 2024)
The Republicans are able to peel off enough Democratic votes to get a new speaker in by advancing a moderate and granting concessions (possible, but this effort would likely lose as many GOP votes as it would gain Dem ones unless they convince Jeffries to rally his caucus in support of a moderate)
The Democrats are able to peel off enough GOP votes to elect Jeffries (slightly less likely than 2, above) - this is the worst possible scenario for the GOP
Jeffries has them over a barrel as long as he maintains caucus discipline. Thus far he’s doing a far better job at it than the GOP, plus he’s still got Pelosi’s connections in his back pocket (and she’s definitely not about concessions to the GOP at this point). This opinion piece is both an olive branch and a subtle threat to those on the GOP side who can still do basic math - it’s “work with us, or watch us take the Speakership before 2024”.
Came here to say the same. Lieberman is a snake, and has been using his position as the 2000 VP Dem nominee to undermine progressive policy for more than two decades. I have no doubt he’s been bought and paid for by the GOP, I’m guessing right around the time he started rooting for the Iraq war (he was the biggest supporter on the Dem side at the time).
If I were a marketing manager interested in maintaining my brand’s image, I’d pay to keep my ads off of TwitX.
TIL Mozilla has a mastodon server. Have an upvote.
@inkican Rockin’ - I figure I’ll never get around to writing out the idea, and certainly not well, so why not toss it back to the guy who inspired it.
Working title: Dr. Doomlittle
ba boom boom tish
And I’m outta here… thanks everyone, and try the fish!
@inkican Damn - wish I had seen this sooner. I loved the Uplift War and the Postman - if you’re still in contact, I be curious if he ever thought about combining the two types of novels.
My particular premise based on this idea (and inspired by both of Brin’s works) - AI enhanced neurosurgical nanobots escape into wild species. Following their programming for human cybernetic enhancement, they integrate and enhance the language centers of each infected species’ brain, equipping them with wifi to allow them to communicate with each other, and giving them access to the internet.
No one notices at first, but it all goes to hell once the rats learn how to code.
The basic plot is your standard apocalyptic polka, with bits of War with the Newts - the potential for bionic beavers to get busy in this scenario cannot be ignored. Our protagonist is tasked with traveling across America a century after the infection started, in landscape full of new intelligent species now just as technically adept as humans once were at the height of their civilization.
“I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith and I were on the top of a burnin’ building, and we had to fight our way down like five floors of zombies and― Hey, wait a second…I guess that was you guys. Oh, shit, man, I can’t wait to tell Keith about that one!”