Red dress? That sounds like some lgbtxyz woke extreme leftism. Everyone knows the first amendment shields me from any criticism for the words I say and allows me to openly push my flavor of Christianity.
/s obviously.
Red dress? That sounds like some lgbtxyz woke extreme leftism. Everyone knows the first amendment shields me from any criticism for the words I say and allows me to openly push my flavor of Christianity.
/s obviously.
I’m more of an elliptical orbit kinda guy. Sometimes I almost get it but most of the time the point just keeps getting farther and farther away.
That’s the mark of a website you can trust.
Nah, there is always more Intel to be gained. We’ve seen how Russia fares against those weapon systems and now it’s a question of how will they change their strategy? If the US makes a prediction about new Russian doctrine, will the US assessment be accurate or does the US intelligence apparatus need to rethink it’s analysis procedure. In a conflict heavy with drone usage, what can we learn about their use and more importantly, countermeasures, both on the adversarial side and blue side.
Anyway my point is that there is always more to learn from your opponent.
Mostly because the US has to actually develop and research new weapon technology and China just copies everything so they don’t need to spend as much.
Well it’s a .ru domain so that site is russian and there is this bit
That is why the current government of Burkina Faso needs Russian assistance not only to ensure victory over terrorism, but also to carry out effective economic reforms, create new jobs, and develop resources on equal terms.
Which doesn’t mean anything per se but it’s kinda suspect.
That’s just the book Snowcrash
Mines a bit different, but similar. “If you see someone shoplifting, no you didn’t” only applies to chain stores. Walmart? Fuck 'em. Target? Get all you can. Local boutique store downtown? The fuck is wrong with you, go steal from a corporation that deserves it.
There Is a game call Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADoM) that has been around since the early 90’s. It’s a traditional Roguelike that I picked up and started playing in 2003 and I have yet to actually beat the game. I have thousands of hours on it in Steam and much much more than that before the Steam release and I have yet to actually win. It’s hard.
Does it matter? Endlessly pontificating about the true nature of reality serves no purpose. If I’m driving and I’m about to hit a tree, reality doesn’t give a single fuck if I consider “well maybe the tree isn’t really there. How can I truly know?”
Like, I was talking with a guy and he was saying shit about how can we truly know that what I say is the color green is the same as what you see? It just feels mastubatory. It’s what words are for. If that guy asks me to go to the store and buy forest green paint from a certain brand and I come back with forest green paint from that brand he’s not going to worry about whether or not we see the exact same shade.
I had to listen to a guy talk about the fanfic he was writing for 4 hours. So anything but that I suppose.
I know. I was just saying that the American in the pic is only puzzled because they are mindlessly scrolling and posting on Twitter. When the time comes to go to an event like that they are also just as likely to take the train without much thought to it either
No one is puzzled. This was a case of someone casually scrolling and commenting without critical thought. Which, let’s be honest, we are all guilty of that and the other guy taking the opportunity to dunk with an AmEriCa Am I rIgHt???
Ah. The forgotten lands, according to some maps.
It’s not about how people vote. It’s about getting people to vote. Emotionally charged people are more likely to vote/volunteer/donate etc.
I’m talking out of my ass by the way, I have nothing to prove any of this.
My pet theory is that this was said specifically to destabilize the US. As others have said, this is not new. China has been saying this for a long time. But 100% the GOP is going to call Biden weak for not shutting Xi down and instead saying the US supports a "One China Policy " without any critical thought as to what the dynamics are.
This is to fire up the right wing base.
I disagree. Playing for fun would mean using a controller. Playing for fun would mean using a mouse and keyboard. Playing for fun is NOT finding out if you use your wrist or arm to aim. Playing for fun is NOT finding optimal sensitivity. That’s for competition.
He’s comparing how he plays for fun with how others play for competition.
No, most of the debt is owned domestically by the people