I think the US will still care for a number of reasons.
- They don’t want the PRC to escape the Island Chain (tl;dr Japan, RoK, Okinawa, Taiwan, and the Philipines help contain the PRC to its own narrow waters. This is partially why the PRC built up the Spratley Islands.)
- The USA absolutely does not want to allow the PRC such a huge PR win. Especially if a peaceful unification does happen, it goes against every piece of violent rhetoric ever thrown at China.
- Fuck those commie (slurs)
- Taiwan’s east coast borders very deep ocean. If a port was built there, it would allow PLA Navy submarines to slip out into the Pacific almost undetected. Currently they have to maneuver through the coastal mainland waters, which are relatively shallow and easier to hunt for submarines in. Currently, the closest approach to deeper water is directly south of Hainan. The PLA Navy does maintain some submarine naval bases there already.
Looks like the full thing costs $24. Anyone have a pdf handy?