Based on what I’ve seen, I expect it will continue until well past collapse too.
Based on what I’ve seen, I expect it will continue until well past collapse too.
Science. Threat analysis. Entertainment at our silly ways.
If they have abundant resources and energy, sending probes wouldn’t be a challenge.
I’d enjoy Katie Porter. Dunno if she’s ready for something like the presidency, but I’m ready for a president like her.
Threat of impeachment. Dems will vote for impeachment. Republicans will, too, if the president is a Democrat.
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We* should be free to own as many guns as we want.
*You know.
This is the same conversation my wife and I just had. Funerals are for the living. That’s not to dismiss them, I think they serve a purpose in helping the living reconcile to their new normal.
I want neither a religious leader nor some physicist with vague “energy” platitudes as a speaker at my funeral. But I think that’s the thing. Death is personal. We want different things. And that’s it’s own beauty.
For me… I want an atheist with an understanding of pain, suffering, delight and nothingness. Someone to, without lecturing, explain that in my view I was not here for eons. Then, for a brief period I lived. I stumbled, loved, and grew old. I relished my moment. I saw it for what it was and made what I could of it. And now I return to the nothing.
Selfless, selfish, nurturing and angry. I did it all. I stayed at home for vacation, I traveled. I was poor. I had a season of money. I lived my moment. I am at peace with that. It could have been far, far worse.
And while returning to the nothing may seem ghastly to some, to me it has beauty. Symmetry.
Even this happy life has struggle. One day, the struggle ends.
I mean yeah, but… No?
Their stories are different. It’s like saying that three fan fics by three different authors that use a select few “same characters” actually have the same characters… When they behave in ways that are incompatable with the other fan fics.
That’s kinda the problem. That and geography. They all think the same patch of land is super important. And the land around that is important, too.
This is one of the ways that those "same characters (gods) " were incompatible.
When you back away from it all, it’s the God of Abram/Abraham. But the details matter to adherents. And the details are quite different.
The us and them created by those stories is essential to understanding this. And the land grabs. And the killings. And the rationale.
He has to be part of an opinion in order for this to work. That opinion stands the test of time best if he can put forth a legal opinion that supports his preferred answer.
“Congress shall”… I wonder if that’s part of his thinking.
legally carry a gun
Watch states try to find ways to allow him within their borders.
There’s a fast food restaurant called Arby’s that serves those sandwiches.
Republicans honor sacrifice by making sure it’s big. They’ll send you to war and complain about VA costs.
Law and order never meant what many heard.
Law and order keeps people in their place. It’s an argument for an old status quo.
It never meant following or enforcing the laws. It’s privilege saying it doesn’t want to budge.
It’s the 4 mil we found.
Agree. I have an S23 and I don’t want thinner bezels. It’s already at the goldilocks spot for me. Thinner wouldn’t be better.
We will never not have a housing crisis in my lifetime.
If we start building, the displaced will fill them. Nevermind that we have so many others already vying for their own homes.
“It was God’s judgment.”