It’s a tragedy that folks like this who need mental help will never get it, making connections between random things is something I’ve seen a lot in the heaviest drug users, my family included.
The brain is a wonderful, fragile, little machine
It’s a tragedy that folks like this who need mental help will never get it, making connections between random things is something I’ve seen a lot in the heaviest drug users, my family included.
The brain is a wonderful, fragile, little machine
Logic and love don’t really mix well, life is a bit fuller when you embrace love and let yourself feel vulnerable even if you know it will end in tragedy
Honestly, that’s fine. This may be a wild take, but they grew and their usage of excel obviously didn’t hold them back, what’s the issue?
I think it really depends on the home, get an inspection to try to see some of the problems beforehand and you won’t be caught too off guard.
For me water is the biggest thing, water in the basement, water through the roof, water by the window sills, it never ends! Every expense seems to be another 5k or 20k, owning a fixer upper is an expensive endeavor
“Secret” things like this really should be invite only and not publicly shared
The acab movement has caused more harm than it has salved. Furthering the ideas that there are no good cops means that nobody good will become a cop in the future, furthering the issue
We don’t, but it also doesn’t matter.
I think of it as the parts of code that are specific to a business. The unique stuff that the business itself does, not generic stuff that all software does.
Spotify does music, a “play” function that starts music is business logic. A function that calculates the average of a set of numbers is generic code so not business logic.
Only band kids go to heck, their eternal punishment? Only sequels, no original film or book or tv show, just spin offs and sequels forever
The parallels are genuinely spooky, those who know history are doomed to watch on in horror at the approach of another catastrophe
Your environment has a tremendous impact on your emotions, in many cases depression is simply a chemical issue, kinda like a thunderstorm. Not much to do but prepare and seek shelter.
If you’re seeking to avoid general non chemical sadness then you should try to be around loving and kind people as much as possible, and seek solace in solitude when that’s not possible. Better thought patterns can lead to better outcomes as well.
General advice is to reframe and redirect, you may be “stuck” in a mental mode of refusing to acknowledge possible solutions because you feel broken. That isn’t your fault, your life experiences have pushed you to become what you are.
The general advice is given often because it does work for other people, it may not work for you instantly but given enough time and patience you can slowly start to erode the deep deep neural connections that lead you on your thought death spirals.
The human brain is deeply unfair, it is literally designed for inertia, thoughts you have frequently you will have later. But if you can start to redirect every single time those thoughts come up to something more pleasant over a long time you may be able to make stronger connections on those happier thought paths.
Mushrooms or other psychedelic drugs could possibly be an escape hatch for burned in neural pathways, but the science is shaky and I know a lot of people who got just a little kooky after going to hard.
Long story short, there is no overnight magic pill to fix your thoughts. Just treat your mind like a toddler, your negative thoughts like hot irons, and redirect that toddler to a shiny toy or tv show or something (redirect to a positive pattern)
That’s probably one of the most common use cases for the Steam deck, I’ve played a ton of emulated games and had a great time. Its far from perfect, especially for newer consoles, but pretty much anything GameCube and below is at least runnable is the best source of safe roms, who knows how long that will last though
I knew a dude who would burn a cd every week and store it in his house as his version control, his software is still used by hundreds of businesses to this day
We somehow value the things that make us primal more than anything else, love, strong emotions, conflict (can’t have a good story without an antagonist), dominating, ownership of mates through marriage
Even if given a chance to eliminate the primal side, humans would collectively say “No! Thats What makes us human!” As if somehow the culmination of all that awful stuff somehow has innate worth? Existence somehow isn’t worth living without conflict, lust, overcoming terrible odds, etc?
Easiest way to figure this out is to analyze your own behavior when interacting with people you’re not interested in.
I’ve always assumed this is something that comes naturally, when I’m into someone I take a deep interest in then, ask them questions about their passion, follow up and remember when they tell me things, try to spend time together either in a group or solo, look at them, talk to them eventually about my interest.
There’s no formula and it isn’t some mystical ritual or anything, just treat them well, smile at them, look at them, touch them appropriately and with consent, be engaged and interested in who they are. Don’t fall into the trap of feeling like all members of the opposite sex are a unified being, every person is different and the opposite sex is made up of people just like you, maybe with different bits if you subscribe to that type of gender identity.
Life has no point, you’re just energy given form (literally, not metaphorically or superstitiously or some shit, mass and energy are the same thing)
Hedonism is easy to fall into, and arguably fine, if you don’t find life worth living but can’t muster the enthusiasm to end it, you should try to change your environment.
For me, life is worth living for stories, I love books and the experience of being something different for a time. I have built my life around lazy evenings on the sofa with my cat on my lap reading a book, or playing a comfortable game, nothing else matters to me at all. It’s easy to be content if your requirements are minimal.
Life is an odd phenomenon, we’re blessed or cursed with consciousness, may as well do something you enjoy. If you don’t know what you enjoy then try more stuff.