My house has a sliding glass door as the main entrance and I need a solution to have it secure from tiny hands. My problem is it needs to be able to unlock and lock on both sides of the door so a pin drop or cross bar won’t work.
My house has a sliding glass door as the main entrance and I need a solution to have it secure from tiny hands. My problem is it needs to be able to unlock and lock on both sides of the door so a pin drop or cross bar won’t work.
Au contrere. one can simply ignore municipal code. happens often and everywhere, not to mention evrerwhere it doesn’t exist. unless it’s enforced, and that’s the key. also, i’m not against building to code. just realistic.
Yes, and that’s how people get killed in completely preventable ways.
Municipal code is usually to prevent people from dying. It’s simply dumb to ignore it in a case like this.
you know what, for all builders and contractors: please build things in a way that people don’t die. forgot about that part.