FreeBSD is the tool you don’t know you need, and then suddenly there’s the perfect use case, because those BSD alchemists never get tired of tinkering on it and suddenly BSD overtake Linux or Windows in some areas. You think Linux is everywhere, same with BSD its just better at hiding.
The NAS community seems to have standardized on BSD for reasons outside of my understanding. If you’re looking to roll your own NAS you might end up with BSD rather than Linux.
FreeBSD is the tool you don’t know you need, and then suddenly there’s the perfect use case, because those BSD alchemists never get tired of tinkering on it and suddenly BSD overtake Linux or Windows in some areas. You think Linux is everywhere, same with BSD its just better at hiding.
Yeah but like WHAT?
Like when you want to have a fully-fledged OS that you can rebrand, close the source and sell as your invention.
The NAS community seems to have standardized on BSD for reasons outside of my understanding. If you’re looking to roll your own NAS you might end up with BSD rather than Linux.
How can I know? it’s something people need to research when they choose OS for their projects.
Any examples? besides the well known security, lower footprint and simplicity. genuinely curious.
ZFS? pf?
The tooling is just superior in some cases.
zfs is available on Linux just fine
25ms boot time?
I know the points you mentioned but I don’t really follow much about BSD, but I have respect for it and knows it’s there the day I need it.