The cheap way to build a decent pc is to build a mediocre pc from random old parts, and then very slowly upgrade it.
ship of Theseus
literally what I’m doing… sadly this comes at a cost, because the imbalance that a i5 7400 brings when combined with 24 gb ram and a good AMD gpu is a lot
My tablet screen is filthy
Two years later everything is so much cheaper too (except that moment when GPUs went crazy expensive).
I have the impression that soon “any” pc will be totally okay for almost any workload, if it isn’t already.
16GB of RAM, 512GB/1TB of SSD and a hexacore is like cheap nowadays…
‘any pc’ is definitely not good enough. Minimum required specs will just keep rising and rising.I think even stuff like Fifa 23 requires at least an 1060 to run at the bare minimum. In 5-10 years you need a 30 or 40 series card to run games at minimum specs
Yeah true gaming seems to be a never ending requirement for more power.
Missing the dollar that fell into the couch. It may be hard to find but it is saved!
image isnt loading D:
just gotta wait for 2 years!
Fucking John Cena. Everytime, he takes it all