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Hmm who enforces legal shit?
But it’s not legal. And as we’ve already covered, they don’t need it to be.
legal and extralegal actions by the police are both effectively legal in the US because we effectively don’t prosecute police. as the laws illegalize queerness, what actions the police are permitted to take expands.
“Effectively legal” is not remotely the same thing as “legal”. Do the cops kill all sorts of people unjustly? Yes. That’s not the conversation we are having right now. The conversation we are having pertains to being queer in America and it’s supposed dangers. And not just “dangerous” but dangerous to the extent that a country issues a warning to a group of people about literally just entering an entire country of 300 million people.
completely missing the point to defend hate crimes. shocking
Completely derailing the conversation in order to “win” an irrelevant one. Shocking.
trying to survive is winning, you’re right
The derailing started as soon as you entered the thread, you bellend.
It effectively is the same; hence “effectively legal”
drown in your own piss, dickless
Exactly the kind of reply I’d expect from people like you
Exactly the kind of reply I’d expect from a liberal being insulted after they deny violence is happening against minorities.
yeah, you’re right. it’s exactly the kind of reply debate perverts masking their bigotry deserve.
the american education system in action folks
they’re not sending their best