Instructions: There are 72 objects on the table that one can use on me as desired.
Performance: I am the object. During this period I take full responsibility.
Duration: 6 hours (8pm–2am.) Studio Morra, Naples
Instructions: There are 72 objects on the table that one can use on me as desired.
Performance: I am the object. During this period I take full responsibility.
Duration: 6 hours (8pm–2am.) Studio Morra, Naples
Does the term Attention whore describes this “art”?
@Sektor @useless_modern_god this is well past AW status. I mean, AW is sometimes dumb “Look at meeee” None of them would subject themselves to this. No one that didn’t need help would have. IDK but her title might be ‘expressing the depravity’ or some such which would surely bring in the dregs and the outcome inevitable
Performance art is all about look at me doing whacky things.
Given your engagement, I’d say you couldn’t be more wrong.
Point me to some performance art where people are not ending up naked, cut, or doing some other edgy things in public.
You’re missing the point entirely. It’s supposed to make you feel emotional, and to give you the opportunity to challenge those feelings and understand where those emotions are rooted.
Art is all about challenging your preconceptions, and yet you can’t seem to get over your preconception that art itself is worthless lmao
Art is not everything labeled art. Btw word art comes from latin ars, which means craft or skil.
Talk about irrelevant, good grief.