Looking to build my own joystick, thinking 6-axis, a hat, maybe a track ball and or a touchpad as well as a throttle axis or two.
Anyone know of any good flight sim type stick prints?
Something like https://hackaday.com/2020/09/03/3d-printed-flight-controls-use-magnets-for-enhanced-flight-simulator-2020-experience/
For trackballs I recommend checking out the ploopy. Not the easiest to scratch build, but certainly possible. Also the kits are pretty nice.
Do you mean a 6 axis joystick like the space mouse (rotate and move the stick in x/y/z direction)?
move the stick on the x and y, then twist the stick for z
Never heard of a space mouse
I think this is then called a 3 axis stick. The space mouse is a CAD input tool.
What’s wrong with the one in the article?
It is not something I have tried as a project. About the closest I’ve gotten is printing ergonomic extensions to attach to a typical computer mouse to stop me from mouse-death-grip fatigue (certified medical condition) when I’m working on CAD projects for too long.
Real time programming for several hall sensors would scare me away from this before I start. GL