With the backlog of movies, TV shows, books, video games, and so on you have downloaded how long do you think you could stay entertained without internet access?
Let’s say if there was another quarantine and you were stuck at home.
This is mostly targeted at people who consider themselves data hoarders.
Depends on your consumption habits more than your hoard. I’ve got a 42 TB tower full of Linux distros but I’d be bored in 6 months without internet.
There might be a guy with dwarf fortress on a flash drive that’d be set till the heat death of the universe.
It really depends not only of the amount of content, but the type, as well as the tastes of the individual person. I know some people who could play counter-strike against bots for months on end, whereas I would get bored out of my mind in several hours.
Literally years.
I would say a long time. I have hundreds of games from every system since the snes to current pc games. I can play the Elder scrolls and the fallout series for hundreds of hours before touching any other game. I have the lord of the rings extended trilogy, the hobbit, all of the Harry Potter movies(fuck jk Rowling) . All of the starwars movies. Every single Pixar movie. All of futurama, all of adventure time. All of Daria. Seasons 1-3 of spongebob. All of housemd . All of bones. All of hey Arnold. Like 150gb of music. Over 100 books a lot of which are entire author’s work in a single file. I’d say probably 2 years or so (also a lot more porn than I’m willing to admit)
Well to be hoenst I don’t know, I have tons of downloaded games for old handhelds out there and many Chinese handhelds with RetroArch packed with more games, lots of Batman Comics in my Koma instance and so on…
I’m a bit of a data hoarder.
You definitely need to data hoard if you want to be entertained for a significant amount of time. I have downloaded most of Friends and HIMYM, if I put them on the background while doing other stuff, I can burn through them in 4-5 days. A multi-month quarantine would require maybe 20x the content?
Probably indefinitely. I hoard things I like, and I eventually forget enough about something that a revisit is almost like new. I think I have so much hoarded I could just loop through it.
Let’s just say I prepare for many eventualities. As you’ve seen just from this year, here today, gone tomorrow. I’ve been caught with my pants down, so to speak, when there was something I wanted or hard to get or rate that vanished that I was never able to find again. I choose not to let that happen again.
For video games alone, a lifetime. I have essentially complete ROM sets for everything through sixth generation consoles, and a wide variety of newer stuff (a full Wii set minus the obvious shovelware, a selection of the better PS3/Xbox 360 exclusives).
For movies, not quite as much. I’m mainly an emulation hoarder (who had to buy a bigger NAS because my ROMs were crowding out my family’s music and video files), but we have 10-15TB of movies, TV and music laying around.
we have 10-15TB of movies, TV and music laying around.
Is your collection pretty high res? I’ve got a decent collection but try to keep to 480p so I can have more shows and games on standby
I’m not so picky - my movies are generally 720p or 1080p (I use 1080p x265 for things I rip myself), and my music is a combination of (mostly 320kbps) MP3 and FLAC.
I ended up building a new NAS (35TB current, 100TB eventual capacity) to replace my old 12TB unit, specifically because I wanted to start grabbing more 7th gen console stuff, and to start ripping/downloading more movies (specifically because streaming services are becoming a clusterfuck, where you never know which service - if any - will have the movies or shows you want on any given day).
Months, maybe a year or two at max I think.
Not a datahoarder so Umm… 0 days. I tend to have blind faith in the internet not failing, and with how many computers there are in the world, some one must have saved some content, right. We could always rebuild the internet, right? RIGHT? But if it does happen, if the internet does collapse, welp shit I guess I have some writing to do, my writing project haven’t been touched for weeks. My worldbuilding would entertain myself for sometime, I guess…
Not long
If the content I have was guaranteed to entertain me, several lifetimes. Picked up a few megatorrents of books, even at 1 book a day I’d take decades to blow through it. Knowing my luck I’d get completely bored of most of them in mere weeks/months. Now video games could potentially last me a decent amount of time, got a ton of games fully downloaded, and some of them could be drawn out for hundreds or thousands of hours if played to completion. I’ve also got a lot of manuals for learning stuff, which could drag things out for a lot longer as I attempt to master something and then utilize it (programming).
while I have very few things pirated, rimworld and stellaris alone could sustain me for a year at least without getting bored, also I could alternate between games to avoid boredom, rimworld and stellaris, those games have a lot of depth, so I could spend ages getting bored of every scenario, difficulty, also I am just not bored very quickly.
Honestly I don’t know, if you have a variety of content (including different lengths of movies / tv shows) then it’s hard to figure out how long you could stay entertained.
I think the better question is if during the past quarantine you used any of the content you have downloaded, I don’t think I watched any since there were tons of new content coming out.
Just from what I currently got? For games, between a good few full romsets + curated larger sets [so DS, Xbox, etc], a good 600+ downloaded and GBEmued Steam games, a GOG set among others, I am just about set there. For things like Movies and Shows its a little trickier, but I"m pretty picky with those anyway.