“Alito’s next opinion piece in the WSJ is about to be ‘I am a little king, actually. The Constitution doesn’t explicitly say I’m not,’” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) quipped.
“Alito’s next opinion piece in the WSJ is about to be ‘I am a little king, actually. The Constitution doesn’t explicitly say I’m not,’” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) quipped.
You need a majority vote in the house and the Republican majority will NEVER vote to impeach a Republican Supreme Court justice when there’s a Democratic President. Will never happen.
This is the same political body who needed 15 votes to decide who their own leader was.
I’m pretty sure impeachment proceedings can just be started by McCarthy whenever he wants.
Removal requires a majority so that won’t happen, but impeachment matters. Do you think Trump lost for no reason?
House leadership doesn’t do anything without knowing the votes are there first and they are absolutely not there.
McCarthy can be made to do anything with enough mass mobilization against him.
The problem is any mass mobilization against him will come from those further Right, not Left.
Only because none of the Left’s political leadership is willing to actually mobilize the masses!
Which is what I’ve been calling for this whole thread!
In the House, the Left is in the minority, the entire Democratic body could mobilize against McCarthy and he wouldn’t give two shits, because as far as he’s concerned, they’re already against him. They’re the minority, he doesn’t have to care.