According to right-wingers, I am an evil brown man terrorist. How about you?
Purely looking at physical traits, I am considered peak humanity
Looking at ideology, sexual orientation and the way I eat they would want me eradicated
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According to right-wingers, me and mine “better never let the sun set on us in ‘their’ towns”.
I’m a good immigrant cause I have
a jobwhite skin.I’m a bad immigrant, because I was born in the east.
My people were killed in the Holocaust. Hitler despised them so much there are chapters of Mien Kamf dedicated to how my people deserve extermination for being on the same level if not worse then Jews.
There’s your answer.
I get looks of disgust if I tell anyone where my family is from; if I speak my language; or say anything remotely positive about my people. This comes from Libs, the right, fascists, the whole lot.
To Americans I’m a rat commie bastard (ironically correct), who is probably a traitor (also correct), and deserves death because my people are a sworn enemy of the “free world”.
My family also got wonderful comments when they first came here, such as “Where’s your antennas? Don’t they install those on all the commies so the government can control them”? They weren’t being satirically racist. They were actually that moronic.
I guess you are Romani?
Just goes to show how many people Hitler hated.
Belarusian, right? I think I remember you mentioning it once but I may be mistaken.
Ding Din Ding. Correct!
Which would make my ethnic group Slavic, and we know how much the Nazis loved Slavs. Plus, Belarus was part of the USSR, so they are automatic commies.
Why do they especially hate the Belarusians, out of all Slavs?
Oh, I was referring to Slavs as a whole, but Belarussians are seen as an extension of Russia, and are “bastards of Nordic blood with Slavic Mongoloids”.
It’s completely race science bullshit.
Belarus was also supposed to be the center and launching point of General Plan Ost. So all Belarussians needed to be exterminated to make room.
Belarus also put up an insane amount of resistance during occupation, they were particularly despised, and a MP assignment to Belarus was seen as a death sentence by many Germans.
Just a worthless drunk living off of their hard earned tax dollars. I should have my treaty rights taken away and annexed because it’s unfair to still have them over events that happened over a hundred years ago.
Asian; smart but not trustworthy. Should “Go back to China”
removed, I would if I could.
Somewhere between savage and not knowing we exist
They think I am one of them
Thry think we speak our mother tongue just to piss them off. We should speak their language only, and especially never talk in our own language with our kids. We should also all be mass murdered. Twice, in my case, if they knew what my political views are.
I know it really doesn’t matter but I like to think that my 25% Ukrainian ethnicity gives me special lib disproving powers.
To them we’re idiotic sheep shaggers, whose language is at once not real and/or dead while at the same time being something we use to gossip about them while they’re still in the room. Welsh language on the signs isn’t because we have people who speak the language but rather a trap designed to confuse and befuddle the saes. The Welsh alphabet isn’t real and Welsh is functionally inseparable from dyslexia.
Without England’s paternal leadership we’d still be living in "wattle and daub"ed roundhouses.
No one in Wales genuinely wants to work and the sky-high unemployment comes from a lack of work ethic by “benefit sponges”. The fact that the majority of the population lives in former industrial strongholds that were gutted of all industry by Thatcherism doesn’t factor into it at all.
Not sure what the gringos think, but in my own country my people are taken to be both very lazy and hot-tempered, and also both illiterate and communist. They can’t keep their racism consistent, though they call it “xenophobia” because they’re historically illiterate themselves.
Illiterate but communist? These people obviously don’t look at literacy rates
Well, you see, true literate people read gringo/English-language newscorps and philosophise about the economy, while the poors just look at reality itself and think about that, like the silly marxists we are. It’s that thing where people are forced into poverty then turn to socialism, and then are derided as stupid by the very same imperialist farces that forced them into poverty in the first place because we don’t understand the marvels of The Economy ®
vc é do nordeste tbm? falando de pavio curto só me lembra o merda do hoc lá falando de determinismo geográfico
Sim, mas moro a muito tempo no sudeste. Já tive muitas experiências peculiares onde a pessoa não percebeu que estava falando de nordestinos para um nordestino.
imagino que em algum momento vc deve ter revelado e a pessoa responde: não fazia ideia, vc não parece nordestino imagem que o pessoal tem do nordestino é o jeca tatu
They are not fond of my physical attributes and make many assumptions about what that means for my mental abilities, and have not been shy throughout my existence of letting me know that. Even the more “liberal” ones.
I thought I passed pretty seamlessly but (perhaps because of some style choices) I’ve been called out by cac dads as Arabic or Latino (not Latino) a few times in the past few months.
I think for now most people clock me as a degenerate more than a threat but that’s usually relative to the person in question…either way I do sense some hatred and distance.
I am a straight white male. So everything is great until they learn I’m a red.
Red = Communist.