From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh…
Even in death, I serve the Omnissiah
“Looks like you’re trying to sacrifice your soul to Baphomet”
Wrong pantheon clippy. Install patch W40K and try again.
Microsoft Excel
Libreoffice Calc 💪
Python 3 🐍
Better yet, a tty
Best thing is, when you’re a computer, you can have as many ttys as you want
Torture for AI: Forced to run on Microsoft Excel.
So that’s how we get skynet … makes sense.
You can’t unplug excel dumbass
Still obsolete in four years anyhow.
Any moving part is going to wear out eventually, probably not last more than a decade if it’s always in use. And everything else is subject to wear from temperature changes. The human body isn’t that bad at maintaining itself in comparison. Just need to be able to grow new organs for the long term.
I have ship of thesiused the same NAS now for 15 years. Just get a hardware maintainance plan. The best bit is it gets cheaper annually.
IMO, a computer could be me but I would never be a computer.
Hook my brain up to it (/into a toaster-sized cyborg body) for a different/better life experience, but I wouldn’t really be doing it for longevity. A fixed up body would be nice, but I’m not really attached to the idea when I could just exist in inhospitable environments (or a digital life without a physical body to worry about).
I think we could eventually “Ship of Theseus” our brains to hardware and eventually software (thinking protein-based “walkers” along neurons that copy nodes and IO strengths to build a graphene/nanotube-based memristor network with interfaces for current connections to existing neurons as well as interfaces for eventual software conversion), which would thus maintain continuity of consciousness and I’d feel better about it actually being me instead of “just a copy”.
Really I just want to get to the point where I can remotely control either a physical or digital avatar at will, without having to worry about my existence ending. Bonus feature: I might be able to extend myself to control two or more avatars simultaneously, or be able to communicate with similar minds in a much faster manner, creating a much faster, more comprehensive form of intelligence.
If scientists can’t point at the bit of brain meat that is consciousness, I’m just gonna leave it alone. I could maybe justify adding math understanding, but even then the need for that is already low with computers especially if it were hooked into my brain.
I could be in VR headspace writing on a chalkboard whenever needed.
I assume I could even temporarily “overclock” my brain to some degree if needed (read: thinking really hard/changing perception of time in the same way that we already experience naturally or via substances), in the same sort of management like sleeping one half of the brain.
Automated teaching and targeted learning could probably also be a thing. Or sleep/dream supplementary learning. Or simply VR lectures (like a video but slightly better). Learning this way would already be easier as there wouldn’t be distractions/upkeep for an organic body (what body there is would have automated upkeep, though you may still be distracted if something unexpected happens).
… in the post-late-stage-capitalism you won’t have a choice, death is not an excuse to stop working, now get back to the mines, data fields, and “AI simulators”!
Oof, that reminds me of that dystopian digital afterlife fiction Tom Scott did.
get to beep
This is oddly sweet.
Maybe even wiggle my hard drive writing heads for that sweet sound.
And ofc, as a god-given/demanded right, run Doom.
Lol, mooD, the secret cow level of Doom :D
deleted by creator
put my brain in a cyborg body the size of a toaster
- minisub/amphibious design, spaaaaace, or even something like vehicle/building integration (best if my brain can be plugged-in)
- I expect people will treat me like a robot, but I hope they treat me like a movie robot (Robot Buddy or Androids Are People, Too tropes)
- no copies (at least not without the best of conditions)
just plug a future-equivalent of a Raspberry Pi into me (not too integrated) and let me handle the OS stuff
- yeah, I’d probably play STK using brain VR btw
- VR headspace with a skeuomorphic space (I don’t know if there’s a better term for that, basically the inside-head/behind-eyes cartoon thing using the sensors/inputs)
yeah ok I get it, I know it’s more likely they’ll just put me in a broom closet or in a brain network somewhere
- Particularly if I’d still be purposeless, such as if there’d never be a reason to not just use AI
Cost and law (and disliking the idea of corporate) will stop me from getting my brain put into a cryo tank as a tester, though. That and tech being viable in this way is questionable, especially cryo now and tech that might take 100+ years to advance without humanity experiencing climate hardship.
Skeuomorphic space is a perfectly logical thing to call it
Hey kid, I’m a computer. Stop all the downloading.
Can’t wait for the future debate of whether normies put their brain in an apple, macrohard, or gøøgl€ device and be forced to view ads for the rest of their existence while not actually having control over themselves.
Bold of you to assume it wouldn’t be an hour based subscription.
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