Dominating my friends: weak, no confidence, sparks sadness
Getting dominated by my friends: strong, great confidence, sparks joy
They should have known better than to sign up for a vigorous ass-blasting and a snuggle session.
Dominating your friends honestly sounds fun, platonic BDSM could be a thing. It wouldn’t even have to be sexual.
Me and my platonic sub can confirm >:3
Out of curiosity, what do you do together?
We’re both ace, so pretty much the things you’d expect, tying up or harnessing, teasing, etc. Just cuddles instead of anything sexual
platonic subbiness is a mood ;p
Let the Wookie win
Alert! The enemy has taken our intelligence!
Ughhhmdjfivf what if i eat this here funky liquid???!?!?!?!?!
Is–is anybody even payin’ attention to me?
How can you be talking about Team Fortress on the internet and make such a silly mistake
So, uh… anyone wanna be friends?
Nothing wrong with a little playful fun between friends. I never complain if my bro gives me a headshot.
IN TF2People still play TF2?
TF2 hit it’s peak player count of all time when the summer update dropped last month with 253,997 players simultaneously according to steamdb, and has been in the top 10 games on steam by player count pretty consistently for years.
Very much so.
more people playing Rust i see.
it IS a great language.
People still play both TF2s
Yes, it’s still fun
Yes? What is it, just top 10 on “Top Games By Current Players” on Steam? Top 20 by daily players?
Totally thought this was about the way some dude groups casually bully on another in a way that isnt funny.