Can, and opt not to. Big difference. I’m sure I could ask chat GPT to write a better comment than this, but I value the human interaction involved with it, and the ability to perform these tasks on my own
Same with many aspects of modern technology. Like, I’m sure it’s very convenient having your phone control your washing machine and your thermostat and your lightbulbs, but when somebody else’s computer turns off, I’d like to keep control over my things
I am so happy God made me a Luddite
Yeah look at all this technology you can’t use! It’s so empowering.
Can, and opt not to. Big difference. I’m sure I could ask chat GPT to write a better comment than this, but I value the human interaction involved with it, and the ability to perform these tasks on my own
Same with many aspects of modern technology. Like, I’m sure it’s very convenient having your phone control your washing machine and your thermostat and your lightbulbs, but when somebody else’s computer turns off, I’d like to keep control over my things