Marjorie Taylor Green is only capable of unleashing unhinged tirades. She is a person who only knows conspiracy theories, while thinking she sounds like a normal politician. The fact that she is probably the number 2 politician in the MAGA movement tells you all you need to know about the caliber of MAGA dopes and their total lack of self-awareness.
She was also re-elected. Her constitutents are degenerates who love this bullshit.
Mentally-ill degenerates!
That reminds me, I have to sharpen my guillotine this weekend.
Unhinged? It’s racism plain and simple.
In this case, since the slurs were a aimed at a white UK reporter by an unhinged white woman, it was jingoism.
Nah it’s racism it always is with her.
Is xenophobia not racism?
Not always? If my English cousins don’t want Welsh people around that’s xenophobia not racism.
Racism is asserting an inferiority or superiority based on natural race; passively or aggressively.
You can’t just use it any time you see two cultures or societies giving each other shit about their politics, foods, social customs, etc. The context of genealogy needs to be included, i.e. race. Jokes about British teeth are much closer to racism than what dumb-dumb said.
This is the Jewish space lasers lady. I promise you she thinks British people and American white people aren’t the same peoples. That’s not because there’s any truth to that claim just that she’s that dumb.
She truly is the pigeon strutting around shitting on the chess board 🤮
The definition of a bitch.
I wouldn’t punch that face, I would drive over it repeatedly.
Actually, this would make you a cosmetic surgeon…
It would help on her curb side appeal.
Put ice chains on your tires first.
Spikes are just fine.
She needs to go back to the middle Paleolithic era with the rest of the Neanderthals.
Hey, neanderthals weren’t heartless, bigoted morons, you should compare her to shit, but even that is doing a disservice to shit since that can still help the soil with nutrients, unlike her who would only poison
Agreed, apologies to the respectful Neanderthals.
That is not fair to the Neanderthals. Archeology shows us they had compassion and love for their kin. She has nothing is her tar black heart but Jewish Space Lasers.
Her tirade is unhinged, but MAGA’s constant repetition of the same exact false narratives about everyone from other countries is really insidious.
Repetition is important for getting into people’s memories. Repetition makes things feel true, even if they’re not. Even if someone knows it’s false the first time they hear it, they may unconsciously start to believe it after a few repetitions. The information becomes easier to recall than the actual truth.
I don’t know what point I’m trying to get at here, but this is the aspect of this news story that has made me the most uncomfortable. Just the reminder that the far-right knows this and they’re using it to their advantage. They’re repeating obvious falsehoods, but the rate and intensity at which they’re saying them is alarming.
She should go back to her country. The wild country. Where she can gallop freely.
MTG is an awful person.
She’s sooo angry, fragile and childish. Does noone ever call her out? She didn’t say one thing related to the question, just spewed a lot of lies about other people and kissed trump’s ass.
This is why they only allow the MAGA owned youtube ‘journalists’ and fox news at the White house now LOL.
Marjorie Trailer Queen just repping the Confederacy.
“I don’t care about your opinion”, says MTG to journalist trying to ask her for her opinion.
What a moronic and absolutely disgusting person she is. It’s almost hard to believe this isn’t a fictitious clip from a movie or something.
The most Karen-y Karen that ever Karen’d.
Can someone with two or more brain cells PLEASE move to GA-14 and run against this human cold sore?