What a coincidence! About 50% of drug arrests in America are cannabis related: ACLU
Insane. The good news is that data you shared was from 2010, and we’ve been in a steady decline since. Down to 40% in 2018 (Pew). And according to the NCDAS in 2020, “over the last decade, arrests made for the possession of marijuana have dropped by 58%.”
What happened in 2019 that made the number tank so fast?
I want to try mushrooms. If anyone in Montana can help me with that let me know.
Yes, nice paper trail
Wait until you find out about Home Depot allowing rapes of underaged girls. Montana is literally the pedo state.
Order spores and grow or visit the dark web my dude. Use daunt.link to verify PGP keys
Mmm dark web. Good times.
And nothing imploded. How surprising.
I think more people might be ready to admit it, because it becomes more and more acceptable.
“Highest” in a quarter century
High af
deleted by creator
Wonder what new non-crime the prison industrial complex will invent to refill the prisons after they can’t arrest people for weed.