Genuine question: when exactly? I know there was a point in 60s where their middle class was flourishing domestically, but internationally the US was the same as ever, no?
Did you not get it?
It’s a satirical cartoon.
Showing a guy criticising Trump and deluding himself his side (dems) weren’t awful all the time.
In this example, the Guantanamo torture prison (which Obama was definitely going to close first thing when elected LOL), the massive drone killings, Biden’s kids in cages and plenty wars and regime change shennanigans.
It shows the blatant hypocrisy.
My parents generation still harken back to a golden time when the US was leader in freedom of speech and social mobility. There is some merit to what they said back then, especially in terms of consumer interests being somewhat aligned with retailer interests back then, but I want to genuinely know if this even back then was more propoganda than reality.
Genuine question: when exactly? I know there was a point in 60s where their middle class was flourishing domestically, but internationally the US was the same as ever, no?
Did you not get it?
It’s a satirical cartoon.
Showing a guy criticising Trump and deluding himself his side (dems) weren’t awful all the time.
In this example, the Guantanamo torture prison (which Obama was definitely going to close first thing when elected LOL), the massive drone killings, Biden’s kids in cages and plenty wars and regime change shennanigans.
It shows the blatant hypocrisy.
Thank you, yes but that’s current.
My parents generation still harken back to a golden time when the US was leader in freedom of speech and social mobility. There is some merit to what they said back then, especially in terms of consumer interests being somewhat aligned with retailer interests back then, but I want to genuinely know if this even back then was more propoganda than reality.
What time are we talking about?
which decade?