Every day; all sorts of stuff from simply feeding people to high level assassinations, including a POTUS. Anarchism is a means by which the people can embarrass the government and compel corrective action to its deficiencies.
Paid holidays, 8 hour shifts, women’s ability to vote, same-sex marriages and LGTBIQ+ rights in general… Those are ideals and achievements that started in anarchism.
Maybe anarchists are necessary to help keep the revolutionary state honest. However, I don’t know if I’d go so far as to call myself an anti-Leninist.
When have the anarchists accomplished anything? The people itself should keep their goverment honest.
Every day; all sorts of stuff from simply feeding people to high level assassinations, including a POTUS. Anarchism is a means by which the people can embarrass the government and compel corrective action to its deficiencies.
Paid holidays, 8 hour shifts, women’s ability to vote, same-sex marriages and LGTBIQ+ rights in general… Those are ideals and achievements that started in anarchism.
you gotta be delusional if you think those things were accomplished by anarchists lmao